Mar 02, 2025  
Undergraduate Evening and Online Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Evening and Online Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Ministry, B.A.

Assistant Dean, Karelynne Ayayo, Th.D.

The Bachelor of Arts in Ministry program at Palm Beach Atlantic University specifically seeks to meet the educational and ministry preparation needs of bi-vocational ministers, church leaders, interested adults, and other non-traditional students.  Through a focus on biblical, historical, theological, and practical studies, the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry program strives to equip men and women with the knowledge, skills, and character needed for effective Christian service in local churches, parachurch organizations, and in other ministries to family, work, and community.  Students who do not discern a call to vocational ministry may find the Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies program to be a better fit.

Program Formats

The Ministry major is available only in the online format.  

The Online Ministry program provides an entirely online and primarily asynchronous setting for non-traditional students who are self-motivated and wish to complete their degree with the utmost flexibility in scheduling. 

Courses in the Online Ministry program are delivered electronically through the University’s Learning Management System.  Students in the Online Ministry program complete all of their coursework entirely online.  Each fully online course is primarily, although not entirely, asynchronous.  Students may view lessons and complete assignments at the time of their choosing within stated course deadlines, which typically follow a weekly rhythm.  Some fully online courses also require students to remotely attend several synchronous virtual class sessions through designated technology.  Generally for each 8-week course, students can expect to attend a maximum of two or three of these live virtual meetings on designated days and times, which are published in advance.  Students commit to these online meeting days and times during the course registration process.

Program Structure

The required curriculum for the Ministry major is composed of three-credit hour courses normally offered during eight-week subterms.  As an accelerated program, it is designed with the expectation that full-time students complete 30 credits each academic year: 12 credits each fall, 12 credits each spring, and 6 credits each summer. 

To qualify for graduation, students must earn a minimum of 120 credits, including a minimum of 42 upper-level credits (courses numbered 3000 and above).  The curriculum is divided between the Faith, Roots, and Reason requirements, Ministry major requirements, and free electives.

Students enrolled in the B.A. in Ministry program take many of their Faith, Roots, and Reason (general education) core requirements through schools other than the School of Ministry. It may be possible for students to take some of these courses on ground.

Courses in the Ministry major directly reflect the learning objectives stated in the mission of the School of Ministry. Theology and Ethics of Ministry is the capstone course for the program in which students formulate the theological basis and practical vision for their particular area of calling or ministry focus.  This course should be taken as near as possible to the final term of study at Palm Beach Atlantic University.  Students should pay particular attention to the School of Ministry Attendance Policy.

Ministry majors may select their free electives from the various course offerings in the Evening and Online catalog provided that they meet the course prerequisites.  Free electives may also be filled by transfer credits that do not meet specific requirements or by Professional Education Credits (PECs).  Professional Education Credits consist of credit awarded to adult students for work and life experience.  Students must apply for PEC credits within stated deadlines.

Program Learning Outcomes

“Expected student learning outcomes specify the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes students are expected to attain in courses or in a program.” Page 69. Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), 2018.

1.  Demonstrate knowledge (biblical, theological, and/or historical) appropriate for an individual in the field of ministry.

2.  Develop skills appropriate for an individual in the field of ministry.

3.  Demonstrate character appropriate for an individual in the field of ministry.  


Major in Ministry Curriculum Requirements

120 Credit Hours

Note: Courses offered for students who are enrolled in a fully online program may be coded with an E-prefix (for example: EMIN 2003 rather than MIN 2003).

Technology Prerequisite - 0 Credit Hours

  • Full completion of “Sailing for Success at PBA,” the University’s new online student orientation, is desired prior to or within 10 days of the start of the student’s first for-credit course.

Faith, Roots, and Reason (General Education) Requirements - 45 Credit Hours

(These 3 courses must be taken in the first two terms of enrollment.)

Required Faith, Roots, and Reason Courses - 24 Credit Hours

Humanities - 9 Credit Hours

 Humanities courses should be taken in sequence.

Social Science - 3 Credit Hours

  • 3 Credit Hour(s)
  • (Ministry majors satisfy the Faith, Roots, and Reason Social Science requirement by taking MIN 4063 Church in Society as part of the Ministry major.)

Required B.A. in Ministry Courses - 33 Credit Hours

B.A. in Ministry Elective Courses - 9 Credit Hours

Select 9 credits of upper-level (3000- or 4000-level) MIN-prefixed courses.

  • Or any additional upper-level School of Ministry course from PBA’s daytime catalog with a BIB, CCD, CDM, ICS, or STM course code (except BIB 4153). 

Additional Required Credit Hours - 33-39 Credit Hours

These additional hours may be fulfilled by declaring and completing one of the optional concentrations listed below, a minor, second major, general electives taken concurrently, previous coursework taken at PBA, or through transfer credits. Up to 27 credits are possible through Professional Education Credits. See Academic Policies  for information on PECs.

Concentration in Preaching and Teaching - 9 Credit Hours

Students majoring in the B.A. in Ministry program can choose to add a Concentration in Preaching and Teaching consisting of 9 credit hours from the courses listed below.  Students may use one course (3 credit hours) in the concentration to satisfy a requirement in both the major and the concentration.

Select three:

Concentration in Pastoral Ministries - 9 Credit Hours

Students majoring in the B.A. in Ministry program can choose to add a Concentration in Pastoral Ministries consisting of 9 credit hours from the courses listed below.  Students may use one course (3 credit hours) in the concentration to satisfy a requirement in both the major and the concentration.

Select three:


Students seeking early graduate admissions (EGA) to PBA’s Master of Divinity or M.Div./MBA Degree must meet the required EGA course requirements for the major, as outlined in the Early Graduate Admission: Graduation Requirements (Master of Divinity) . Up to thirty-five (35) graduate hours can be applied toward the completion of the B.A. degree. 


Sample Degree Plan

Ministry, B.A. Degree Plan