Mar 13, 2025
Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHR 3512 - Independent Study in Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics2 Credit Hours This independent study provides direct experience in how to apply the principles of clinical pharmacokinetics to develop easy-to-use drug dosing aids that pharmacists can use in clinical practice. It involves conducting an in-depth literature search and analysis of articles published on the pharmacokinetics of the drug, clarifying the critical goals of therapy, identifying key mathematical relationships between parameters, and then applying those relationships. A second component of the course involves writing and submitting a paper for publication in a scholarly journal and/or designing and constructing a poster for presentation at a state or national meeting. The third component entails designing and delivering supplemental instruction program to strengthen the pharmacokinetic skills of pharmacy students and enhance their understanding of patient-care-applied pharmacokinetic principles.
Prerequisite: ,
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