Mar 02, 2025
Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ICS 5023 - Strategies in Intercultural Engagement3 Credit Hours This course provides an overview of types of missionary approaches and enables students to assess various dimensions of intercultural engagement. The class begins with and overview of the biblical, theological, and historical use and meaning of ‘strategy’ in missiology. The course also surveys various past and present approaches in Christian missions to familiarize students with the principles, practices, issues, and key terms necessary for informed discussion. The class then uses this missiological framework to evaluate contemporary means and methods, noting especially how theology and biblical hermeneutics effect the different positions and approaches in missiology. Finally, the class will consider several nonconventional strategies – such as the “meekness” approach in Thailand presented by Nantachai and Ubolwan Mejuhdon, or the “Insider Movements” approach.
Availability: Summer B
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