Jan 31, 2025
Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Leadership, M.S.
Dynamic leadership is needed in today’s organizations. Organizations want leaders of integrity capable of communicating a vision and empowering employees to achieve the organization’s vision. Recognizing that true leadership is a combination of education and God-given talent, the graduate degree major in leadership provides the educational foundation to enhance one’s leadership abilities. The leadership program prepares the working professional to transform organizations and foster agents of change to meet the demands of the today’s fast-paced world. Through the use of collaborative learning, and application-based knowledge students will: Integrate the Christian faith and learning through critical thinking, research, writing, and learning from the normative base of a Christian worldview; explore multi-disciplinary approaches for enhancing organizational culture and human development values-based leadership; develop and exchange concepts relating to understanding and improving organizations around the world; and experience innovative learning situations, which enable students to acquire the knowledge, dispositions and abilities required of organizational leaders.
Course Structure
Classes are designed for the convenience of the adult learner. Taught in seminar or workshop style, class content is centered on professional practice of leadership, research multicultural leadership, needs assessment, strategic planning, organizational change, critical thinking techniques, global leadership, and servant leadership. The 40-hour curriculum is taught during four-hour weekly evening class sessions. The 10 required courses must be taken in the sequence shown on the following degree plans. Master of Science in Leadership: Dregree Plan (40 Credit Hours)
Required Courses
Courses must to be taken in the following sequence: Semester 1 (8 Credit Hours)
Semester 2 (8 Credit Hours)
Semester 3 (8 Credit Hours)
Semester 4 (8 Credit Hours)
Semester 5 (8 Credit Hours)
Attendance Policy
Due to the accelerated nature of the MacArthur School of Leadership evening adult courses and the need to ensure that each student does not miss out on essential information available only in the first class meeting, it is required for all students to attend the first night of class. Students who miss the first class will be held accountable as follows:
- Student will not receive higher than a grade of B in the course.
- The absence will count toward the 20% miss maximum.
- Student is accountable for all work missed during the first night of class.
- If a student misses over 20%, the student will automatically be withdrawn