Jan 19, 2025  
Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog 2018 - 2019 
Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog 2018 - 2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Academic Policies and Definitions

Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and submission of work, all or any part of which was developed in response to the assignment of another professor or was created by a person other than the student submitting the assignment, working collaboratively with another student but claiming an individual effort, or falsification of any part of an academic record. More specifically, plagiarism is presenting words or ideas from another person or source as if they are your own. This includes neglecting to put quotation marks around direct quotes or failing to cite an idea or defining term or phraseology as coming from another person or source. This includes paraphrasing the words of another person or source without giving appropriate credit to them. Simply put, plagiarism is stealing the ideas or words of someone and presenting them as your own.

The Academy (the broad university community) views academic dishonesty as a serious academic offense and a failure of character and personal integrity. Due to the academic nature of the offense, Faculty, Academic Deans, and the Provost are responsible for determining an appropriate response within the following guidelines.

The faculty member is responsible for determining that a student has committed academic dishonesty in a course. The faculty member is also responsible for communicating in writing with supporting documentation any such incidents to the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the school housing the course where the offense occurred. Faculty members will provide the following as documentation of academic dishonesty:

  1. Copies of the original assignment along with any source materials with appropriate highlights to show where the plagiarism or other academic dishonesty took place. Turnitin reports are acceptable documentation.
  2. A copy of notification from the faculty member to the student of the academic dishonesty incident.

The Dean (or designee) of the school housing the course or the incident where the allegation of offense occurred, hereinafter termed the “Superintending Dean” will forward the documentation to the Dean of Students and, if applicable, Dean of the student’s major. The Dean of Students will undertake the following for each instance of academic dishonesty:

  1. Place an administrative hold on the student’s record to prevent registering for future classes.
  2. Review the student’s file and determine whether there is any record of any previous findings of academic dishonesty by the student.
  3. Notify the Superintending Dean and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major of any previous offenses by the student.
  4. Record the new offense in the student’s file.

A. First offense:

  1. The student must receive a zero grade for the assignment and may receive additional penalties as outlined in the particular course syllabus.
  2. An additional offense within the same course will result in a failing grade for the course, even if the second offense occurred before the student received notification of the first offense.
  3. The Dean of Students will place an administrative hold on the student’s record to prevent registering for future classes.
  4. The Superintending Dean will notify the student through PBA email, copied to the Dean of Students and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major, of the following:
    1.  That the student has been found responsible for a first incident of academic dishonesty.
    2.  The seriousness of academic dishonesty and the consequences of any finding of future academic dishonesty.
    3. That the student must successfully complete the PBA online Academic Dishonesty Remediation Workshop. At the end of the Workshop, the student will sign the Academic Dishonesty Warning Letter of Agreement and forward it to the Superintending Dean for his/her signature. This letter will inform the student of the consequences of a second finding of academic dishonesty, including automatic failure of the course and possible loss of institutional scholarships. If applicable, the Superintending Dean will sign and forward the letter to the Dean of the student’s major for additional signature and inclusion in the student’s file.
  5.  The Dean of the student’s major will notify the Dean of Students to remove the administrative hold on the student’s account, allowing the student to register for classes.

B. Second offense: Because a second offense may or may not occur within the same course or school, the Dean of Students is responsible for determining that the reported incident of academic dishonesty is a second offense. The following will take place:

  1. The student must receive a failing grade for the course in which the dishonesty occurred.
  2. An additional offense within the same course, which would be deemed the student’s third overall offense, will result in a one year suspension of the student from PBA as articulated under the provisions of “C. Third Offense” below. This shall apply even if the additional (overall third) offense occurred before the student received notification of the initial (overall second) offense in the course. Multiple offenses before the student is notified of the first offense shall be deemed as a single second offense.
  3. The Dean of Students will make the reports of all incidents of this student’s academic dishonesty available to the Superintending Dean and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major.
  4. The Superintending Dean will notify the student through PBA email, copied to the Dean of Students and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major, of the following:
    1. That the student has been found responsible for a second incident of academic dishonesty.
    2. The requirement of the student to meet with the Superintending Dean (or designee) and the Dean of the student’s major, if requested by the latter Dean.
    3. That the student must successfully complete the PBA online Academic Dishonesty Remediation Workshop for a second time, including signing the Zero-Tolerance Letter of Agreement. This letter will inform the student of the consequences of a third finding of academic dishonesty. Participation in the second version of the Academic Dishonesty Remediation Workshop will require enhanced criteria for successful completion.
    4. The serious consequence, i.e. a one year suspension from PBA, should a third finding of academic dishonesty occur.
  5. At the meeting of the student the Superintending Dean (or designee), the Dean of Students (or designee), and, if applicable, the Dean (or designee) of the student’s major, the Superintending Dean will address the following:
    1. The student, the Superintending Dean and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major will sign the Zero-Tolerance Letter of Agreement. This letter states that any further incidents of academic dishonesty will result in an automatic one year suspension from PBA.
    2. The implications the student’s automatic failure of the course in which the dishonesty occurred, i.e. effect on the student’s matriculation and grade point average.
    3. The Superintending Dean, in consultation with the Dean of the student’s major and the Dean of Students, may impose other penalties, including but not limited to suspension from participation in intramural or collegiate athletics, loss of endowed or institutional scholarships, ineligibility to participate in missions trips or semester abroad programs, and possible expulsion from the Supper Honors program or the major.
  6.  Once the student successfully completes the Academic Dishonesty Remediation Workshop for a second time, the Dean of Students will notify the Superintending Dean and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major. The Superintending Dean will verify that any additional sanctions have been fulfilled and, if so, will remove the administrative hold on the student’s account.

C. Third offense: If a third incident of academic dishonesty is documented, the student must receive a failing grade for the course in which the dishonesty occurred and he or she will be suspended from PBA for one year through the following process:

  1. The student must receive a failing grade for the course in which the dishonesty occurred.
  2. The Superintending Dean will notify the student through PBA email, copied to the Dean of Students, the Registrar, and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major, that a third incident of academic dishonesty has been reported.
  3. The student will be required to meet with the Superintending Dean, the Dean of Students, and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major in order to process the student suspension for one academic year.
    1. The Superintending Dean will send a letter requesting the suspension to the Registrar who will then officially notify the student that he or she is suspended. Copies of the letter  are sent to the Dean of the school where the student is a major, to the student’s academic advisor, and to the Dean of Students.
    2. The exact dates of the suspension are established by the Registrar and may allow for extenuating circumstances in the timing of the suspension.
  4. The student will be able to apply for readmission to PBA, if he/she provides the evidence of remediation required by the Registrar in collaboration with the Dean of Students, the Superintending Dean, and, if applicable, the Dean of the student’s major.
    1. Readmission to the university or to the previous major is not automatic and is up to the discretion of the Registrar and the Dean of the major to which the student is applying.
    2. Re-admitted students are automatically placed on zero-tolerance for academic dishonesty and any further incidents will be cause for another suspension or expulsion from PBA.
  5. All documentation will be retained by the Dean of Students in the student’s discipline file.
  6. Students who wish to appeal the third offense of academic dishonesty may file an academic complaint, and the matter will be treated within the established Academic Grievance Policy (see academic catalog). Any suspension remains in place until the grievance process is completed, even if this results in a missed semester of study. Students are responsible for any academic or financial repercussions.

*For non-academic violations refer to the Navigator at http://www.pba.edu/studentlife/accountability/index.cfm

Academic Honors— Pharmacy

At the completion of each semester, students who have excelled in their academic coursework are selected for the School of Pharmacy Dean’s List. This honor represents a distinct accomplishment and recognizes student’s initiative and perseverance in achieving academic excellence. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must be enrolled full-time in good standing and achieve a GPA of at least 3.5 in all Doctor of Pharmacy coursework (excluding electives outside the PBA School of Pharmacy) with no grades below “B” during that semester.

Students earning a grade point average in the professional program of 3.6 to 3.74 are graduated cum laude; those earning a grade point average of 3.75 to 3.85 are graduated magna cum laude; and those with a grade point average of 3.86 or above are graduated summa cum laude. The requisite GPAs apply to the cumulative PBA grade point average. Also, the student must have earned a minimum of 60 GPA credit hours at PBA.

Academic Honors— Master of Divinity

Students earning a grade point average in the M.Div. program of 3.700 to 3.849 are graduated cum laude; those earning a grade point average of 3.850 to 3.924 are graduated magna cum laude; and those with a grade point average of 3.930 or above are graduated summa cum laude. The requisite GPAs apply to the cumulative PBA grade point average. Also, the student must have earned a minimum of 60 GPA credit hours at PBA.


A faculty advisor is assigned to each student to assist in planning his or her academic program and to offer personal guidance. The Office of the Registrar coordinates the assignment of academic advisors.

Auditing Courses

Graduate and professional classes may not be audited. A student desiring to enroll in a graduate class without being admitted to a graduate program must apply for admission as a non-degree-seeking student. See “Special Graduate Admission - Non-Degree- Seeking Status ” under Admissions .

Cancellation of Courses

The university reserves the right to cancel, postpone, limit registration, split, or combine classes and to change instructors and/or locations of classes due to insufficient registration or other valid administrative reasons. Students should register early to minimize the chances of a course being canceled. Most classes have enrollment limits to facilitate learning.

If a class is canceled, it is the student’s responsibility to immediately contact either their faculty advisor or the department offering the course to select an alternate course. If a course is canceled by the university, all student registrations in that course will automatically be canceled, and the change will be reflected on each student’s semester schedule in myPBA. The Office of the Registrar will contact students via PBA e-mail with notification of course cancellations.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. Annually, Palm Beach Atlantic University informs students of these rights. These rights are as follows:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Provost, Registrar, Dean of the appropriate school, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) he/she wishes to inspect. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records, which the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. A student may ask the university to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. He or she should write to the university official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the university decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the university will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. Upon request, the university discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC, 20202-4605.

Credit Hour Definition

A credit hour is time represented in intended learning outcomes or achievement of competencies and verified by evidence of student achievement, for various modes of instruction offered at Palm Beach Atlantic University, in accordance with the following guidelines.

  1. For traditionally delivered courses, not less than one (1) hour (defined as 50 minutes of contact time) of classroom or direct faculty instruction each week for fifteen (15) weeks per Fall or Spring semester, and a minimum of two (2) hours of additional work out-of-class for each credit hour. Comparable time and effort is required for Summer semesters which might be offered over a shortened time frame.
  2. At least a comparable amount of work outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities, including, but not limited to, laboratory courses, internships, clerkships, clinical practica, field experience, studio experience, and other academic work leading to award of credit.
  3. The credit for courses in professional degree programs will be determined in accordance with the appropriate accrediting agency. For example, the Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy determines successful accomplishment of program objectives in accordance with the accreditation standards of Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).
  4. Online, blended, shortened, intensive format courses and other non-traditional modes of delivery will demonstrate comparable time and effort utilizing the guidelines from item 1 above or achievement of learning competencies and outcomes.
  5. In determining the amount of coursework to achieve learning competencies and outcomes, the university will take into account and considering alternative delivery methods, measurements of student work, academic calendars, disciplines, and degree levels.

Degree Plan

A degree plan will be developed for each student in consultation with an advisor. The degree plan will assist students in determining which classes to enroll in and in what order. Failure to follow the degree plan may result in a delay in graduation.

Directed Study

Under exceptional circumstances, a graduate student working individually with a faculty member may complete a course by Directed Study. A Directed or Independent Study is provided to augment or enrich a student’s learning experience by pursuing learning in a closely-supervised program. It is not designed to be the solution for schedule conflicts. A Directed Study fee of $250 per credit hour will be charged to the student over and above regular tuition, both on and off campus. Requests for fee exemptions require additional documentation as directed by the Office of the Provost.

Consideration of requests for Directed Study originates with the student and must be approved by the faculty member involved, the Dean(s) of the School(s), and the Provost of the university. Successful petitions must include a copy of the syllabus, which details the regular meetings of the student with the faculty member (a minimum of three hours weekly for a 3-hour course), a significant writing component, and evidence that the course substantially provides the same learning experience as the traditional offering.

Disclosure of Directory Information

At its discretion, the university may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the Act to include: student name, address, electronic mail address, photograph, grade level, enrollment status, telephone number, date and place of birth, major/minor fields of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of members of athletic teams. 

A student may withhold Directory Information by notifying the Office of the Registrar in writing within one week after the published beginning date for a given semester. Request for nondisclosure will be honored by the institution for only one academic year; therefore, authorization to withhold Directory Information must be filed annually. Palm Beach Atlantic University assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of categories of Directory Information indicates individual approval for disclosure. The consequences should be considered very carefully for any decision to withhold any category of Directory Information. Should the student decide to inform the institution not to release any or all of this information, any future requests for such information from non-institutional persons or organizations will be refused, except as provided for in the Act. The institution will honor the student’s request to withhold this information but cannot assume responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release such information. Regardless of the effect upon the student, the institution assumes no liability for honoring the instructions that such information be withheld.

Enrollment Status

Unless otherwise specified below, a graduate student enrolled for 6 or more hours in a semester will be considered a full-time student. A student enrolled for 3 to 5 credit hours in a semester will be considered a part-time student. A student enrolled in fewer than 3 credit hours in a semester will be considered below half-time.

A pharmacy student enrolled in 12 or more credit hours will be considered a full-time student.

Enrollment Verification

Enrollment is recorded in each class. A student who fails to attend both the first and second week of the course will be dropped from the class(es) by the Office of the Registrar for non-attendance in subterm A and withdrawn from the class(es) in subterm B.

Good Standing (Academic)

A master’s student is in academic good standing only if his or her PBA cumulative grade point average (PBA GPA) is a 3.0 or higher (see Standards of Academic Progress.) A School of ministry graduate student is in good academic standing with a cumulative 2.5 or higher GPA. For Pharmacy-Full Progression, see above.

Independent Project

An independent project is designed for those students who desire to pursue graduate study or research in an area not presently covered by courses in the graduate program. Such a project may vary in the amount of credit awarded, from 1-6 credit hours. The student designs the independent project after thorough consultation with the professor who will supervise the study.

Before registering for an independent project, the student must submit a written proposal for approval by the supervising professor, the advisor, the Program Director, the Dean, and the Provost. An independent project cannot be used to replace a required course in the graduate program of studies. A maximum of 6 semester hours of credit can be used toward graduating in a degree program. Successful petitions must include two copies of a syllabus/learning contract, which details a significant research and writing component and other evidence that the course provides essentially the same learning experience as traditional course offerings. The course number 5811-5816 designates an independent project within the discipline. Forms for an independent project may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.

The student and his or her advisor should determine if an independent study is useful in the chosen graduate program. Only those with an elective option would support this course.

International Student Internship Authorization

International students in the School of Pharmacy seeking to fulfill internship requirements for their program of study may do so, provided they qualify and adhere to the requirements issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service under the statutes of Form I-20 A-B. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure he or she meets these requirements. This form must be signed by the PDSO (Primary Designated School Official) appointed by the university.

Student Identification Card (ID)

All students are required to have a validated student identification card prior to attending classes each semester. Identification cards may be obtained from and validated by the PBA One Card office. Orlando Campus students will receive ID cards from the Orlando Campus office.

Evaluation and Grading Policies

Calculating the Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student’s grade point average may be calculated by:

  1. Multiplying the credit hours attempted* by the quality points earned for each course according to the letter grade assigned;
  2. Totaling all quality points earned; and
  3. Dividing the quality points by the number of credit hours attempted.

* F grades are factored into earned credit hours, though zero (0) quality points are earned. W (withdrawal) and I (incomplete) grades are not factored into earned credit hours for GPA calculations purposes.

Quality Points

Grade Symbol Quality Points Earned*
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
F 0.00

*Quality Points are earned for each credit hour.

Grade Forgiveness - Master’s Level

Grade Forgiveness permits graduate students to repeat a course and have the repeated grade and hours earned computed in his/her GPA in place of the original grade and hours earned. A graduate student who makes an unacceptable grade according to the program’s grading scale may be allowed one retake of one course for Grade Forgiveness during the program of study.

Grade Reports

Within two weeks after the end of the academic semester, grades are available on myPBA for each student who has been enrolled that semester. To have grades mailed or delivered to any third party, a student should request a transcript (see Transcripts).

Grading Policy

Each faculty member has the responsibility and authority to establish his or her own grading policy and to provide it, in print, with the course syllabus.

Grading and Progression - Master’s Level

Grading policies and procedures vary among the graduate programs. Confirm grading policies within a specific program by reviewing the appropriate program of study.

Grade Symbol Definition
A Superior performance
B+ Good performance
C+ Below expected graduate level quality
F Failure no credit
I Incomplete remaining work required
P Pass
W Withdrawn

Grading and Progression-Pharmacy

Full Progression: In order for a student to obtain full progression, the student must successfully complete all courses attempted. The student must maintain a cumulative GPA of greater than or equal to 2.00.

Grade Averaging: A pharmacy student who earns a grade of “C” (“C+” or “C”) or above, in a course, will not be permitted to repeat the course to raise his or her grade. However, a student who earns a grade of “F” will be permitted to repeat the course once. The repetition of any course must be accomplished by taking the same course at PBA. A student may not repeat a course after he or she has graduated. Both the first grade and the second grade earned in the same course will be included in the calculation of the students overall GPA.


The official academic record for each student is maintained in the Office of the Registrar. A student has access to the record during normal office hours. A student may receive copies of the transcript for personal use or may request the transcript be mailed. Such requests must be made online through the National Student Clearinghouse or in person at Sailfish Services. A transcript (official or unofficial) will not be released if the student’s account with the university is delinquent.

Incomplete Grade

Incomplete grades are given when, in the opinion of the instructor, a student is prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from completing course requirements by the end of the term. Course requirements remaining to be completed must be made up by the date specified by the professor on the Incomplete Form and normally should not extend beyond the end of the following semester. Incomplete Forms may be obtained on myPBA, in Sailfish Services, or in the Office of the Registrar.

Pharmacy Student Grievance Policy (Academic Complaint)*

The following procedure must be followed in filing a grievance:

  1. Academic Dishonesty: Student grievances concerning decisions regarding academic dishonesty are addressed in the GSOP’s Professionalism and Honor Code policy.
  2. Academic Dismissal from the Program: The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) may decide to dismiss a student from the GSOP program.  
    1. If a student is dismissed from the GSOP program, he/she may appeal the decision of the SAC within 5 PBA work days of the student receiving written notification from the SAC. This appeal is to be submitted to the GSOP Dean in writing by completing the application for appeal. The written justification for appeal must identify the issues, with all substantiating documents attached. Appeal to the Dean via PBA e-mail must include appropriate attachments including the signed application for appeal and all substantiating documentation.
    2. The GSOP Dean will denote his or her decision on the application for appeal and return it to the student via paper form or PBA e-mail within 10 PBA work days.
    3. Further appeal is unwarranted unless there is clear evidence of a procedural violation (i.e. University policies or procedures were not followed), in which case the student can appeal to the Council of Deans (see section 4).
  3. Final Grades: Issues concerning individual assignments, examinations, and other graded work during the course may only be appealed to the course coordinator, or in the case of Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience, the Senior Director of Experiential Programs. A student may not use this policy for appeal until a final grade has been assigned for the course (i.e. posted on the myPBA website).
    1. To appeal a final grade, the student must take the matter to the course coordinator, in writing, and within 5 PBA work days of the final grade being posted. Appeal via PBA e-mail correspondence will be considered a written appeal. The GSOP Dean must be copied on the written appeal.
    2. The course coordinator will respond to the student in writing within 5 PBA work days of the student’s written notification of grievance. Response via PBA e-mail will be considered as written response. The GSOP Dean must be copied on the written response.
    3. If the decision of the course coordinator proves to be unsatisfactory to the student, the student may appeal the case to the GSOP Dean by completing the application for appeal and submitting it to the GSOP Dean within 5 PBA work days of the written response from the course coordinator. The written justification for appeal must identify the issues, with all substantiating documents attached. Appeal to the GSOP Dean via PBA e-mail must include appropriate attachments including all substantiating documentation. The course coordinator must be copied on the written appeal to the GSOP Dean.
    4. The GSOP Dean will denote his or her decision on the application for appeal and return it to the student via written form or PBA e-mail within 10 PBA work days with a copy to the course coordinator. If the original appeal involves the GSOP Dean as the professor of record, the Provost will appoint another PBA Dean to review the appeal.
  4. Appeal to the Council of Deans: The only justification for an appeal to the Council of Deans is a procedural violation, for which there is clear evidence (i.e. University policies or procedures were not followed).  The student may appeal to the Council of Deans through the Office of the Provost. The student appeal must demonstrate which procedure was violated and how it was violated. Simple disagreement with the decision is not sufficient grounds for appeal.
    1. The application for appeal must be submitted within 15 PBA work days of the written response from the GSOP Dean and must be submitted to the Office of the Provost. The appeal may be delivered via written form or PBA e-mail. If the appeal is delivered via PBA e-mail, all substantiating documentation must be attached to the e-mail.
    2. This appeal will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee of the Council of Deans (which consists of three people who are appointed from the members of the Council of Deans for a one year term by the Provost) to determine the merit of the case. If the Appeals Committee determines that the case is not sustainable on its merits, the decision is final and there is no further appeal. If the committee determines there is compelling evidence to proceed with the case, such appeal can proceed in one of two ways: First, the Appeals Committee may refer the matter back to the GSOP Dean with recommendations for resolution. Second, the Appeals Committee may refer the matter to be heard at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Council of Deans which falls in the following calendar month. The Administrative Assistant to the Provost will provide the student with the date of the Council of Deans meeting.
    3. The Council must be supplied with the completed application for appeal, a written summary of the complaint, and all substantiating documents relating to the case, including the original appeal to the GSOP Dean. The only evidence admissible is that which has previously been presented to the GSOP Dean, with the exception of evidence related to procedural violation by the GSOP Dean. The Dean to whom the complaint was submitted also will provide a written summary account of his or her conclusions and written recommendations within 15 PBA work days prior to the scheduled appeal, along with any substantiating documents. The Administrative Assistant to the Provost is responsible for gathering these materials and for making them available to all parties for review prior to the meeting.
    4. Both the student and the course coordinator will be afforded the opportunity to present their cases to the Council. Communication to the Council during its deliberations is the responsibility of each party in the complaint. The presence of the student and of the course coordinator is only for fact-finding. Deliberations based upon these presentations and the written records of the case are kept strictly confidential and are open only to Council members.
    5. The Provost and any member of the Council who is a party to the complaint or who believes that past experience or relationship with individuals involved prejudices an objective review of the case may recuse themselves from the final decision.
    6. As chair of the Council, the Provost will communicate the Council’s findings in writing to the student and course coordinator within 10 PBA working days of deliberations.
    7. The Office of the Provost is responsible for enforcing the decision of the Council of Deans. The conclusions and recommendations of the Council are final and binding upon the parties to the complaint. No further appeal may ensue.


Graduate Student Grievance Policy (Academic Complaint)*

An academic complaint refers to the grievance a student may have concerning faculty evaluation of his or her academic performance represented in the final grade for a course, OR a professor’s assessment of academic dishonesty.

The following procedure must be followed in filing a grievance:

  1. Final Grades: Issues concerning individual assignments, examinations, and other graded work during the course may only be appealed to the professor; a student may not use this policy for appeal until a final grade has been assigned for the course. To appeal a final grade, the student must take the matter to the faculty member, in writing, and within the first 15 PBA work days of the grade being posted in my.pba.edu. Appeal via PBA e-mail correspondence will be considered as written appeal. The appropriate Dean must be copied on the written appeal.
  2. Academic Dishonesty: To appeal an academic dishonesty judgment, the student must take the matter to the faculty member, in writing, within 5 working days of being notified of the judgment. Appeal via PBA e-mail correspondence will be considered as written appeal.
  3. The Faculty Member will respond to the student in writing within 15 PBA work days of the student’s written notification of grievance. Response via PBA e-mail will be considered as written response.
  4. The student may appeal the case to the Dean, by completing the appeal application and submitting it to the Dean, only after written communication with the professor in resolving the
    complaint proves to be unsatisfactory to the student. This appeal to the Dean must be done within 15 PBA work days of the written response from the faculty member. The written justification for appeal must identify the issues, with all substantiating documents attached. Appeal to the Dean via PBA e-mail must include appropriate attachments including the signed appeal application and all substantiating documentation. The Dean will denote his or her decision on the application for appeal and return it to the student in written form or via PBA e-mail within 15 PBA work days.
  5. If the original appeal involves the Dean as the professor of record, the Provost will appoint another dean to review the appeal.
  6. If, after the Dean has made the decision on the appeal, the student is not satisfied with theoutcome, he or she may appeal to the Council of Deans through the Office of the Provost. The only justification for appeal to the Council of Deans is a procedural violation. The student appeal must demonstrate which procedure was violated and how it was violated. Simple disagreement with the decision is not sufficient grounds for appeal. This application for appeal must be submitted within 15 PBA work days of the written response from the Dean and must be submitted to the Office of the Provost. The appeal may be delivered in written form or via PBA e-mail. If the appeal is delivered via PBA e-mail, all substantiating documentation must be attached to the e-mail.
  7. This appeal will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee of the Council of the Deans (which consists of three people who are appointed from the members of the Council of Deans for a one year term by the Provost) to determine the merit of the case. If the Appeals Committee determines that the case is not sustainable on its merits, the decision is final and there is no further appeal. If the committee determines there is compelling evidence to proceed with the case, such appeal can proceed in one of two ways. First, the Appeals Committee may refer the matter back to the Dean with recommendations for resolution. Second, the Appeals Committee may refer the matter to be heard at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Council of Deans which falls in the following calendar month. The Administrative Assistant to the Provost will provide the student with the date of the Council of Deans meeting.
  8. The Council must be supplied with the completed application for appeal, a written summary of the complaint, and all substantiating documents relating to the case, including the original appeal to the Dean. The only evidence admissible is that which has previously been presented to the Dean, with the exception of evidence related to procedural violation by the Dean. The Dean to whom the complaint was submitted also will provide a written summary account of his or her conclusions and written recommendations within 15 PBA work days prior to the scheduled appeal, along with any substantiating documents. The Administrative Assistant to the Provost is responsible for gathering these materials and for making them available to all parties for review prior to the meeting.
  9. Both the student and the faculty member will be afforded the opportunity to present their cases to the Council. Communication to the Council during its deliberations is the responsibility of each party in the complaint. The presence of the student and of the faculty member is only for fact-finding. Deliberations based upon these presentations and the written records of the case are kept strictly confidential and are open only to Council members.
  10. The Provost and any member of the Council who is a party to the complaint or who believes that past experience or relationship with individuals involved prejudices an objective review of the case may recuse themselves from the final decision.
  11. As chair of the Council, the Provost will communicate the Council’s findings in writing to the student and faculty member within ten working days of deliberations.
  12. The Office of the Provost is responsible for enforcing the decision of the Council of Deans. The conclusions and recommendations of the Council are final and binding upon the parties to the complaint. No further appeal may ensue.

*NOTE: Students seeking information regarding a non-academic complaint should review the Grievance Policy (Non-Academic Complaint)  in the Student Life section.

File Outside Complaint 

To file a complaint against a nonpublic postsecondary institution in Florida, please write a letter or send an e-mail containing the following information:

  1. Name of Student (or Complainant)
  2. Complainant Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Name of Institution
  5. Location of the Institution (City)
  6. Dates of Attendance
  7. A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.
  8. The complaint process of the Commission involves contacting the institution to obtain their response to your complaint.  If you do not want the Commission to contact the institution you are attending, you must state so in your complaint; however, doing so will greatly hinder the Commission’s ability to assist you with your complaint.

Send Letter To:
Commission for Independent Education 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400

Or E-mail: cieinfo@fldoe.org 
Or Fax: 850-245-3238

Distance Education students, who have completed the internal institution grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process please visit the FL-SARA Complain Process page. 


Leave of Absence

The university understands some students may need to leave school for some period of time. The policies and procedures below describe the circumstances under which a student may leave and return to the university.

  1. Eligibility and Procedure: A student who has completed at least one semester of study at PBA may petition the Registrar for a leave of absence. The petition must be in writing, must be signed by the student, and must set forth the circumstances of the request and the length of the requested leave. Students are not eligible for a leave of absence during their first semester at PBA. Unless a student is called to active military service, a request for a leave of absence typically will not be considered during the last week of classes or during the examination period.
  2. Circumstances for Leave: The petition for leave of absence may be granted, granted with conditions, or denied. Approval will be granted only in circumstances of extraordinary hardship, including, but not limited to, sustained illness of the student or a person in the student’s immediate family and for whom the student will serve as caregiver, call to military service, or selection for extended jury duty. 
  3. Time of Leave: To be eligible for a leave of absence, the student must intend return to the university within the stated period, which typically should not exceed 180 days during any 12-month period. If the requested leave exceeds 180 days during any 12-month period, the Registrar will forward the petition to the Council of Deans. If the student does not return within the approved period, he or she will be considered as withdrawn and risks having to reapply for admission as a new student. In addition, if a student has been granted one leave of absence, any subsequent leave must be approved by the Council of Deans. Unless granted an exception by the Council of Deans, a full-time or part-time student must complete all degree requirements within eight calendar years, counting all periods of leave or withdrawal. 
  4. Approval: If the petition is granted, the Registrar will respond in writing and will set forth the period of the approved leave and any conditions associated with the leave. In the Registrar’s absence, the Provost may grant the leave. A copy of this approval letter will be placed in the student’s file in the Office of the Registrar. 
  5. Matriculation at Another School: If the petition is granted, the student may not enroll as a degree candidate at another institution. If a student enrolls as a degree candidate at another school, the leave of absence will be converted to a withdrawal. A student may enroll as a non-degree seeking student only with the permission of the Registrar. Coursework at another institution will be considered Transient Study and will be limited to 9 credit hours.
  6. Returning to School: At least four weeks before the end of the granted leave, or when otherwise requested, the student must submit a letter to the Registrar indicating his or her intent to return to school. If the student fails to submit a letter or goes beyond the time of the granted leave, the student will not be able to return automatically. Instead, the student must petition the Admissions Review Board and request to be readmitted. The Registrar or Admissions Review Board may require documents, such as a doctor’s note, that reflect that the student has met stated conditions of the leave and/or is ready and able to return to school.
  7. No Residency: The period of the leave of absence may not be counted as part of the time needed for residency or for other degree requirements.
  8. Tuition and Financial Responsibility: Normal rules regarding the refunding of tuition typically will apply if the student is granted a mid-semester leave of absence. In addition, students should understand that funds that might be returned to a lender are still due and owing to the university. However, the university will refund tuition for students called to active military service. 
  9. Financial Aid: Please contact a Financial Aid counselor to determine how a leave of absence and/or failure to return after a leave may impact your financial aid package and repayment obligations.
  10. Transcript: A student who is granted a leave of absence after the add/drop period in a semester in which the student is enrolled will receive “W” grades on his or her transcript. The transcript also will contain the notation “Leave of Absence.”

Non-Traditional & Other Credit

Transfer Credit

Applicants may transfer up to 9 credit hours of graduate-level coursework from a regionally-accredited institution. Since the Counselor Education program requires 51 to 60 semester hours, students may, in exceptional circumstances, transfer up to 15 hours of graduate-level work. Transfer hours may be applied toward one of the PBA’s master’s programs provided the following conditions are met:

  1. A minimum grade of “B” has been earned on courses considered for transfer, and an official transcript is received.
  2. The courses are substantially equivalent in scope and sequence to courses designated as eligible in the ELC program at Palm Beach Atlantic University, as determined by the Graduate Admissions Committee of that program.
  3. Request for transfer of credit has been made before or during the first semester of enrollment at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
  4. The courses were not previously applied towards the conferral of a degree.

Since the Master of Divinity requires 72 hours, students may transfer up to 12 approved hours to satisfy elective requirements. In addition, students may transfer up to 4 approved hours of graduate-level Greek or Hebrew to count toward the M.Div. language requirements. Credit hours used toward the completion of another degree may not be transferred into the M.Div. degree. No student may apply more than a combined total of 16 hours of transfer and transient credit toward the M.Div. degree.

Transient Credit: Graduate Programs

After being admitted to Palm Beach Atlantic University, graduate students are permitted to take a maximum of 9 semester hours at other institutions. If a student has been granted transfer credit from another institution prior to initiating graduate studies at PBA, the total number of transient hours combined with transfer hours may not exceed 6 credit hours. Permission for transient credit is NOT automatic and must be approved by the student’s advisor, program director, school Dean, and the Registrar. Each graduate program reserves the right to require that certain classes be taken only at PBA. Courses approved for transient credit may be only those courses required for graduation in the ensuing semester and are not offered at PBA during that semester, or courses that are in conflict with other required courses during that semester. A course taken at PBA may not be retaken at another institution. Grades earned through transient study at another institution do not count toward the PBA cumulative GPA. Transient course approval requires the completion of an Application for Transient Study, which can be obtained in the Office of the Registrar.

Since the Master of Divinity is designed to accommodate students wishing to seek denominational or vocational licensing that requires specialized course work, M.Div. students may count up to 12 approved transient hours to satisfy elective requirements. Credit hours used toward the completion of another degree may not be transferred into the M.Div. degree. No student may apply more than a combined total of 16 hours of transfer and transient credit toward the M.Div. degree.

Note: Transient Credit may not be applied to the Master’s in Leadership Program.

Transient and Transfer General Policy Graduate Programs

All transfer or transient credit must be from a regionally-accredited institution. These courses may be offered in traditional or nontraditional formats, such as video, audio, satellite, computer or print formats, or combinations thereof. Transfer credit is not permissible for graduate-level coursework previously applied towards the conferral of a degree. The Admissions Committee (for transfer credit), the academic advisor, program director, school Dean, and the Registrar shall determine whether courses are equivalent in scope and sequence to those offered at PBA.

Readmission to the University

A student* who wishes to return to PBA must file an Application for Readmission with the Office of Admissions in the following cases:

  1. After withdrawal from all courses in a semester;
  2. After non-enrollment for two semesters;
  3. After suspension or dismissal.

If the student has attended any post-secondary institutions since his or her last enrollment at PBA, official transcripts must accompany the Application for Readmission. All college or university transcripts must be received and evaluated by the university before a student will be considered for a financial aid award. The student receives written notification of their readmission decision. A student who has a delinquent financial account with the university will not be approved for readmission until the Business Office has cleared the account. Furthermore, an approved readmission request does not automatically reinstate financial aid. A student must re-apply for aid and confer with a financial aid counselor regarding his or her status.

Students who withdraw from the university for only one Fall or Spring semester may, upon their return, continue under the catalog in effect at the time of their original matriculation. After an absence of at least two semesters, a student must return under the catalog in effect at the time of his or her readmission.

Students who have incomplete records at the beginning of the semester may be admitted on a provisional basis pending receipt of all readmission credentials. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have these documents supplied to the Office of the Registrar. Until these documents are received, the applicant will not be allowed to register for classes for the following semester. The release of PBA transcripts will not be permitted.

The university assumes no responsibility for the status of provisionally-admitted students, since the university has not been able to make a determination of eligibility. The university agrees to extend provisional admission based upon the applicant’s representation that he or she has the requisite qualifications for admission.

Upon completion of the applicant’s file, if it should be determined that the applicant was not eligible to enroll, he or she will be withdrawn immediately.

If the student is withdrawn for one of the aforementioned reasons, a refund of tuition, if any is due, will be determined in accordance with the existing policy as recorded in the current catalog.

*Gregory School of Pharmacy students: please see additional requirements below.

Change of Program

A student who wishes to return to PBA and pursue a master’s program other than the one in which they were last enrolled, must obtain and complete a Change of Major/Minor form which is available in the Office of the Registrar or on myPBA after being approved for readmission. Students in the graduate program must select from programs of study and courses as outlined in the Graduate & Pharmacy Catalog in effect at PBA either at the time the student began attending (catalog at first registration), when he or she officially changes his or her major and submits a Declaration or Change of Major/Minor form to the Office of the Registrar, or the requirements outlined at the year of graduation (current catalog). If a student intends to pursue a different degree program - from graduate to undergraduate, graduate to professional, or professional to graduate -  he or she must submit a new Application for Admission through the Office of Admissions.

Gregory School of Pharmacy Readmission Policy

Students Returning after Suspension, Leave of Absence, or Withdrawal

Decisions to allow reapplication into the School of Pharmacy are made on a case-by-case basis.

  1. Any student who has been suspended through a violation of the Professionalism and Honor Code (PHC) should contact the Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics in writing by the deadline provided in the PHC outcome letter. The student must provide an explanation of how the student met the criteria set forth in the PHC outcome letter and detailed strategies on how the student will avoid the action leading to the PHC violation along with a plan for success. 
  2. Any student who has withdrawn or taken an approved leave of absence from the School of Pharmacy should contact the Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics in writing by May 1 for fall courses and November 1 for spring courses. This letter must provide an explanation of how the student’s circumstances have changed to allow for their return. 
  3. The Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics will take the letter before the Student Success Committee to determine if the student is eligible to return.
  4. If approved, the Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics will notify the student in writing of the decision and have the student work with the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid Office, Student Accounts, and International Studies (if applicable) to ensure all paperwork is completed for the student’s return.
  5. If denied, the Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics will notify the student in writing. 
  6. The student may appeal the decision of the Student Success Committee to the Dean. The appeal can be made with regards to the outcome of the Student Success Committee or if the student feels that procedure was not followed by the Student Success Committee. A letter must be submitted to the Dean within 10 business days of being notified of the Student Success Committee’s decision, providing rationale on why the appeal is being made. The decision of the Dean is final.  

This policy does not apply to students who have been dismissed from the program and are seeking readmission back into the program. 

Students Returning after Dismissal

Decisions on readmission are made on a case-by-case basis. The following process applies to any student who has been dismissed and is seeking readmission to the GSOP.

  1. The student must contact the Dean in writing by December 1st prior to the fall semester he/she plans to return to school. 
  2. The letter must include specific reasons for applying for readmission, which includes detailed strategies on how the student would successfully complete the program. 
  3. After review of the written request, the Dean will determine if an individual meeting to discuss readmission is warranted. 
  4. If approved by the Dean to reapply, the student will also need to complete all application steps as a new applicant to GSOP by the March 1st application deadline (i.e. PharmCAS, and PBA Supplemental Application).
  5. For additional information on applying, students should contact Pharmacy Admissions.

Registration and Changes in Registration

No student shall be permitted to enroll in any course after the term census date (one week after the first day of classes in any given semester); this includes courses scheduled to begin during subterm B. All changes in schedules shall be made prior to the census date.

It is the responsibility of the student to register for classes and make any necessary schedule changes via myPBA. Academic advisors are available to assist students. Changes in registration may affect changes in financial aid awards. Please refer to Enrollment Verification above regarding administrative changes to a student’s schedule.


This means changes in a course schedule that occur during the first week of the semester. No student shall be permitted to add or drop any semester or subterm after the published census date.

  1. If credit hours are increased, additional tuition and fees (if any) may be charged; if credit hours are reduced, tuition and fees may be appropriately adjusted by the Business Office. Financial aid adjustments may result.
  2. Each change in schedule is considered a separate transaction, and previous transactions will have no bearing on the calculation of charges.
  3. The census date is specified in the academic calendar.
  4. If a student exceeds the maximum absences allowed in a course, a grade of “W” will be entered on the student’s record if the last date of attendance is prior to the deadline for withdrawal without academic penalty. A grade of “F” will be given if the last date of attendance is after the deadline to withdraw.

Course Withdrawal

This is a change in a student’s schedule, after the add/drop period, that does not involve a complete withdrawal from the university.

  1. A student may withdraw from a course without academic penalty on or before the published withdrawal date set in the academic calendar. This action does not take precedence over the issuance of a grade related to academic dishonesty. A grade of “W” retains fee liability for the course and does not affect financial aid eligibility for the current semester; however, future aid may be affected. The course will remain on the transcript.
  2. If a student withdraws from a semester course during the last five weeks of the fall or spring semester, a grade of “F” will be assigned. If a student enrolled in the graduate program withdraws from a subterm course after the third class meeting, a grade of “F” will be assigned.
  3. Withdrawn courses are fee liable (non-refundable).

For students within the School of Pharmacy:

  1. A student may only withdraw one time per course.
  2. A student cannot withdraw from a course unless first obtaining written approval from his/her advisor and from the Associate Dean for Academics prior to obtaining the instructor’s signature for withdrawal from the course.

Standards for Academic Progress

Master’s Degrees

Good Standing: A student is in good academic standing with a cumulative 3.0 GPA. A School of Ministry graduate student is in good academic standing with a cumulative 2.5 GPA.

Probation and Suspension (Academic Discipline): The record of each student may be reviewed by the Registrar at the end of each semester or at any other time that such a review seems warranted. In order to avoid academic discipline, a student must maintain a PBA cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. A School of Ministry graduate student must maintain a PBA cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher.

Academic Probation (below 3.0 for the first semester): A student will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of a term if he/she does not meet the cumulative 3.0 GPA. A School of Ministry graduate student will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of a term if he/she does not meet the cumulative 2.5 GPA.*

Academic Suspension (below 3.0 for the second semester): A student will be placed on Academic Suspension at the end of a term if, after being placed on Academic Probation, he or she still does not meet the cumulative 3.0 GPA.* Academic Suspension will result in exclusion from the university for one semester. The student must reapply for admission through the Office of the Registrar. The Admissions Committee and department, then, have the option of either re-admitting or not re-admitting the student. Any student suspended for poor scholarship and subsequently permitted to register shall be allowed a maximum of two semesters on continued academic probation. Upon readmission, a student must retake a course for which a failing grade has been received the first time it is offered. If this course is not offered until the third semester after readmission, the academic probation would be extended to include this third semester. The same will apply for a School of Ministry graduate student who does not meet the cumulative 2.5 GPA.

* PBA scholarships may be impacted. Please refer to Financial Aid  .

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Good Standing: A student is in good academic standing with a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA and a minimum GPA of 3.0 each semester.

Probation and Dismissal(Academic Discipline): Academic probation is the initial official action for a student failing to make satisfactory academic progress. A student will be placed on academic probation for:

  1.  Failure to maintain a graduate cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
  2.  A failing grade in a required or elective course

Dismissal: Students who are on academic probation for two semesters or meet any of the following conditions will be dismissed from the program.

  • Failure to obtain a minimum grade of B (3.0) upon repeating one graduate nursing course (i.e. unsatisfactory grades in the same course).
  • Failure to obtain a minimum grade of B (3.0) in two graduate nursing courses. (A grade of W received due to requirement of successfully completing didactic and clinical courses at the same time is exempted from this policy.)
  • Failure to meet Palm Beach Atlantic University School of Nursing’s Health Requirements and Limitations without specified accommodations.
  • Inability to conduct oneself in a professional fashion consistent with the American Nurses’ Association Standards and Code of Ethics for Nurses or the Palm Beach Atlantic University Code of Student Ethics as listed in the Navigator. In particular, falsification of records and reports, plagiarism, or cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment is cause for dismissal.
  • Faculty reserve the right to dismiss any student whose personal integrity or conduct demonstrates unfitness to continue preparation for the profession of nursing.
  • Failure to complete all degree requirements within five years.

Doctor of Pharmacy Degree

Academic probation and dismissal are academic standings that demonstrate the failure of a student to make satisfactory progress toward successful completion of the Doctor of Pharmacy program based on objective measures. The academic probation and dismissal figure below illustrates student movement in this process.

1. Academic Probation

Students will be placed from good academic standing onto academic probation when meeting at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Failing one course (not eligible for remediation or unsuccessful remediation) in a semester;
  2. Failing two courses in a semester;
  3. Failing one APPE rotation.

Depending on the nature of the academic deficiencies and the overall academic record, a student placed on academic probation may or may not be permitted to continue in the regular sequence of the professional curriculum. The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) will review the student’s record at the end of each academic term while the student is on probation. Once a student has been placed on probation, the Assistant/Associate Dean for Academics in consultation with SAC will develop the student’s schedule each semester which takes into consideration course prerequisites and class schedules. Although the student may petition the SAC to modify their schedule, the SAC makes the final decision which is not eligible to be appealed. Stu­dents on probation will not be allowed to hold an office or have a leadership role in any organization until the student is no longer on probation. Additionally, a student on academic probation is required to submit a self‐directed academic action plan to SAC and their faculty advisor for how they will improve their academic performance in the following semester. Failure to comply with this requirement will be taken into consideration in future SAC decisions regarding the student.  

A student will progress back to good academic standing in a modified track once they passed all retake courses and have no additional failed courses.

2. Dismissal

The determination for dismissal from the Doctor of Pharmacy program will be made by the SAC after an evaluation of the student’s performance in the School of Pharmacy and circum­stances leading to dismissal.

  1. From good academic standing

Students in good academic standing will be subject to dismissal from the program if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Failing 3 or more courses in a semester;
  2. Failing to complete all didactic courses in 5 years.


     b. From academic probation

Students who are on academic probation and fail to progress academically in the program will be subject to dismissal from the program if they meet at least one of t

  1. Failing 2 or more courses;
  2. Failing greater than 1/3rd of total enrolled credits for a semester;
  3. Failing same course twice;
  4. Failing to complete all didactic courses in 5 years;
  5. Failing a second APPE rotation.


Withdrawal from the University

Official withdrawal from the university during a semester requires that the student:

  1. Obtain a Withdrawal from University form from the Dean of Student’s Office, or submit a letter with an official signature requesting withdrawal. When submitting a withdrawal letter, you are also required to notify the following PBA offices: Registrar, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and Chapel (if applicable).
  2. Supply all necessary information on the Withdrawal from University form, including securing the required signatures.
  3. Submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar. The date of withdrawal will be the last date of attendance in any enrolled course. Dropping all classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the university. The grade of “W” will be assigned to courses last attended prior to the last date to withdraw from a semester class without academic penalty. If a student withdraws from the university after the third week of class meetings for a subterm course, a grade of “F” will be assigned. This includes withdrawal due to suspension and/or expulsion. A student who completes his or her semester and does not return for the next semester is considered to be a non-returning student, not a withdrawal.

Approved Medical Withdrawal

Approved Medical Withdrawals provide students with a withdrawal date to be set for one week prior to their last date of attendance. Without an Approved Medical Withdrawal (per the Withdrawal from the University policy), the last date of attendance is the recorded withdrawal date and the standard fee schedules  apply. All Approved Medical Withdrawals are recorded as a “W” on your academic record. When a student withdraws from the university, the student forfeits his or her rights and privileges as a student, including the use of all PBA facilities. Therefore, he or she will be required to immediately turn in their PBACard and key to Campus Safety, Sailfish Services, or Residential Life.

Approved Medical Withdrawal Procedure

  1. Students must submit a written request for medical withdrawal to the Director of Academic Support and Disability Services. Qualified requests will include documentation of medical or psychological necessity to withdraw from academic coursework, which must be submitted to the Office of Academic Support and Disability Services (OASDS) within 10 days of last date of attendance.

    Contact information for OASDS:

    Attn: Office of Academic Support and Disability Services
    Palm Beach Atlantic University,
    901 South Flagler Dr.
    West Palm Beach, FL 33401
    Phone: 561.803.2576
    Fax: 561.803.2519

  2. Upon receipt of a written request and supporting documentation, the OASDS will review the Approved Medical Withdrawal request. OASDS will notify the student and the Registrar’s Office of the decision within 10 days of receiving the medical withdrawal request along with supporting documentation.
  3. All students requesting an Approved Medical Withdrawal must complete an online Application for Readmission and contact OASDS prior to receiving approval to return to academic work.

Approved Medical Withdrawal Re-enrollment Procedure

Each medical re-enrollment clearance is case-specific and will focus on reviewing the student’s ability to safely return to their previous academic status. Prior to returning to academic work at PBA, and to ensure the safety of all students, any student with an Approved Medical Withdrawal during a specified PBA academic term must: 

  1. Complete an online Application for Readmission. Refer to Readmission to the University.
  2. Meet all university and re-enrollment requirements, including the removal of any university holds.
  3. Receive medical clearance from OASDS.
  4. Receive registration clearance from the Office of the Registrar to register for classes. Please refer to Tuition & Fees  for applicable refund schedules.