Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • THE 3013 - Acting II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course explores the basic theory and techniques of Sanford Meisner approach to acting.  Students will perform the exercises in the workbook and apply them to the current production and scene work.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403  or permission of instructor
    Availability: Spring

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  • THE 3033 - Auditions

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The process and rehearsal of auditioning for professional productions. May be repeated for credit once.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403  
    Availability: Even Spring

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  • THE 3043 - Costume Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Basic theory and techniques of costume design. History of costume and clothing.  Basic elements of design and use of color and fabric on stage. Basic sewing, working with patterns and building costumes.  Learning correct terminology of garment and accessories.  Learning the process of script analysis as it pertains to costume design, writing a costume plot, creating a color palette and production research. 

    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • THE 3073 - Musical Theatre Scene Study

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students explore various scenes from musical theatre dramatic and comedic literature.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 , THE 3013 
    Availability: Even Falls

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  • THE 3093 - Lighting Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of lighting design as an art that defines space and reveals form. Introduction to the tools, equipment and process of lighting design.

    Prerequisite: THE 2583  

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  • THE 3201 - Participation in Performance

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This course is for students participating in theatre performance.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • THE 3202 - Sound Design

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of basic media used in sound design and engineering for the theatre; application of the elements of design as they relate to sound for theatre, dance, and other art forms.

    Prerequisite: THE 1053 , THE 2583  

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  • THE 3213 - Scenic Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of the design and drafting process necessary for theatrical set design. Purchase of drafting supplies required.

    Prerequisite: THE 2513  and THE 2443  

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  • THE 3221 - Participation in Production

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This course is for actors participating in theatre department productions.

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • THE 3233 - Directing II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of methods and techniques of dramatic staging in various types of theaters. Emphasis on the role of the director as artist, coordinator, and business person.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 , THE 2103 , THE 3013 , THE 3243  
    Availability: On Demand

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  • THE 3243 - Script Analysis

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of the various theories on analyzing a script for production and for the development of specific characters in a play.

    Prerequisite or Corequisite: THE 1403  or permission of instructor
    Availability: Fall

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  • THE 3253 - Drama in the Church

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The study of how to produce drama in the church and the historical and Biblical foundations for this endeavor.

    Availability: On Demand

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  • THE 3313 - Musical Theatre Workshop

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Lectures and discussions covering standard musical theatre literature and the production of a musical. Workshop sessions devoted to actual rehearsal and performance of a musical revue.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 

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  • THE 3323 - History of Musical Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of the historical development of the American Musical Theatre.

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  • THE 3353 - Musical Theatre Repertoire

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The study of the musical theatre repertoire appropriate for audition and performance.

    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • THE 3471 - Dance Workshop for Musical Theatre Revue

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    Provides training and practical experience to students studying dance for musical theatre; allows the opportunity to participate in the development of movement phrases for a musical revue.

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  • THE 3603 - Acting Skills for Other Disciplines

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The study and rehearsal of basic acting techniques that are easily applied to other disciplines and professions such as teaching, business, music, law, and ministry professions.

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  • THE 3733 - Musical Theatre Auditions

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study and practice of the process and rehearsal of auditions for musical theatre professional productions.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 , Musical Theatre Major or Minor or by Permission of Instructor.  May be repeated for credit once. 

    Availability: Odd Springs

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  • THE 4003 - Introduction to Stage Combat

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An introduction to unarmed stage combat for the actor. Class includes basic training exercises for hand-to-hand combar and a high degree of ensemble work. Students will be required to complete somersaults, falling and physical contact with others.

    Availability: Spring

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  • THE 4023 - Acting III

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of the various styles of acting such as Greek, Shakespearean, and comedy of manners.

    Prerequisite: THE 3013  
    Availability: Even Falls

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  • THE 4033 - Theatre History I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Survey of the history of the theatre from Greece to 1800.Concerned with theatre as a product of social conditions of various cultures and periods.

    Availability: Even Falls

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  • THE 4043 - Theatre History II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Survey of the history of the theatre from 1800 to the present. Concerned with theatre as a product of social conditions of various cultures and periods

    Availability: Odd Springs

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  • THE 4052 - Advanced Makeup

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    An exploration of advanced makeup skills for the performer, director, and technician. Students will continue study from THE 2083 in facial anatomy, the effect of light on human physiognomy, painted and dimensional special effects.

    Prerequisite: THE 2083 
    Availability: Even Falls

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  • THE 4063 - Theatre for Young Audiences

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of history and principles of theatre for children in the US emphasizing practical application and use of drama in the classroom.

    Availability: Even Springs

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  • THE 4103 - Selected Topics in Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Intensive study of a selected topic, which provides students an opportunity to study in areas other than those elsewhere defined. May be repeated for credit.

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  • THE 4123 - Improvisation for the Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A full semester workshop based on Viola Spolin’s text Improvisation for the Theatre designed to help actors develop focus, physical and verbal freedom, and spontaneity through the use of games and guided improvisation.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 
    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • THE 4193 - Computer Graphics for the Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An exploration into the use and operation of various computer applications that support theatrical design and production, with emphasis on computer aided drafting (CAD) in the creation of technical drawings and as a communicative tool.

    Prerequisite: THE 2443  

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  • THE 4201 - Professional Theatre Tour

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    A trip to New York or London to attend professional theatrical productions. Airfare, hotel, and restaurant expenses are in addition to normal tuition.

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  • THE 4301 - Christian Ethics in the Theatre

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    Ideas and concepts about how a Christian can live a dedicated, consecrated life as a practicing theatre artist on the stage, in movies and television.

    Prerequisite: Upper Division standing
    Availability: Even Springs

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  • THE 4313 - Musical Theatre Workshop

    4 Credit Hour(s)
    Lectures and discussions covering standard musical theatre literature and the production of a musical. Workshop sessions devoted to actual rehearsal and performance of a musical revue.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 

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  • THE 4483 - Careers Workshop

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An exploration and assimilation of successful marketing techniques needed to secure employment in theatre or related segments of the entertainment industry.

    Prerequisite: Senior Standing
    Availability: Fall

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  • THE 4503 - Acting V

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Exploration of the basic theory and techniques of the Sanford Meisner approach to acting. Students will perform exercises presented and apply them to current productions and scenes.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 , THE 3013 
    Availability: On Demand

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  • THE 4523 - Shakespeare in Performance

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Consists of the foundational training and practice necessary to perform Shakespeare on stage.

    Prerequisite: THE 1403 , THE 3013 
    Availability: Even Springs

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  • THEV 4713 - Internship in Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A practical experience in theatre arts with a local theatre company

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  • THEV 4714 - Internship in Theatre

    4 Credit Hour(s)
    A practical experience in theatre arts with a local theatre company

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  • THEV 4715 - Internship in Theatre

    5 Credit Hour(s)
    A practical experience in theatre arts with a local theatre company

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  • THEV 4716 - Internship in Theatre

    6 Credit Hour(s)
    A practical experience in theatre arts with a local theatre company

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  • THEV 4811 - Independent Project in Theatre

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. Approval by the dean of the school is required.

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  • THEV 4812 - Independent Project in Theatre

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. Approval by the dean of the school is required.

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  • THEV 4813 - Independent Project in Theatre

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. Approval by the dean of the school is required.

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  • THE 4910 - Culminating Evaluation in Theatre

    0 Credit Hour(s)
    Registration required for Theatre majors in the semester in which they graduate. Represents completion of final faculty evaluation prior to graduation. 

    Prerequisite: Senior Standing
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ORL 3013 - Group and Organizational Behavior

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course will examine the interaction of individuals and groups in organizations and the ways in which they affect organizational effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on group dynamics, decision-making, and conflict management, and students will develop strategies for efficient and productive group Leadership.

    Availability: Main: Fall, B Term and Online: Spring, A Term

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  • ORL 3053 - Writing for the Modern Workplace

    3 Credit Hour(s)

    This course is an advanced treatment of technical writing wherein students will learn to hone their skills for the professional environment. While a review of usage practices and some discussion of grammar and diction will occur, primacy is given to ascertaining and employing the appropriate register, tone, and approach for a given situation. Development of credible, unbiased, first or third person authorship will be an ongoing objective. Moreover, students will be familiarized with the sequential steps in the planning, organizing, and formatting of traditional documents and will engage significantly with digital modes of business correspondence. Document types under review may include but are not limited to: emails, press releases, proposals, business plans, mission statements, and recommendation letters. Additionally, proficiency in the use of Presentations will be cultivated, both in construction and delivery.

    Prerequisite: ENG 1113  & ENG 1123  


    Availability: Main: Fall, B Term; •Online: Fall 2021, B Term

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  • ORL 3143 - Organizational Management

    3 Credit Hour(s)

    This course covers material comprising the theory, research and practice of management. This course also examines the functions of an organization and analyzes organizations based upon systems models. Learners will study basic principles of management, analyze, and solve organizational problems.

    Prerequisite: Complete all General Education coursework.

    Availability: Main: Summer, B Term and Online: Fall 2021, B Term.

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  • ORL 3153 - Organizational Leadership

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Prepares the student to lead effectively in the modern organization. This course introduces the basic principles and theories of leadership, motivational theory, importance of communication, and current and future trends. The student will assess, discuss, and learn how to apply his or her own styles of leadership in the workplace and community.

    Availability: Main: Fall, A Term, Spring A and Online: Fall, B Term

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  • ORL 3223 - Career Assessment & Planning

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Adult career development: past, present and future. Career and personal patterns examined and reviewed, and goals assessed through exercises and activities. Future trends examined in relation to changing careers and life-styles.

    Availability: Main: Fall, B Term and Online: Summer, A Term.

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  • ORL 3283 - Mediating Organizational Conflict

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The course will examine the mediation process and how dynamics such as power, culture, communication and listening skills and gender can have a constructive or destructive effect on the resolution of conflict. Students will analyze some of the many conflict resolution processes for the purpose of resolving, regulating and managing conflict among individuals and groups within organizations. The course will also explore styles for handling conflict and emotional intelligence within conflict situations.

    Availability: Main: Summer, A Term and Online: Fall 2021, A Term.

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  • ORL 4043 - Global Leadership

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course explores the leadership design and leadership of contemporary and future organizations. The organization of the 21st century is examined with an emphasis on awareness that human resources are a key factor in organizational effectiveness. Influential factors such as multiculturalism; national, ethnic, and organizational culture, global competition, changing demographics and workplace attitudes will also be examined for the impact they have in shaping organizational leadership practice.

    Availability: Main: Spring, B Term and Online: Spring, B Term.

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  • ORL 4063 - Effective Interpersonal Relationships

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of communication and relationships in creating a productive work environment. Readings and exercises in nonverbal communication, constructive feedback, dealing with anger, and resolving conflict.

    Availability: Main: Spring, B Term and Online: Spring, A Term

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  • ORL 4073 - Strategic Assessment & Planning

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course introduces students to Strategic Planning including necessary analysis processes.  Students gain an understanding of determining organizational direction, situational analysis, the determination of necessary “critical mass” resources, as well as the strategic allocation of those resources.  Additionally, they develop basic analysis skills in order to measure the effectiveness of the strategic plan. 

    Availability: Main: Summer, A Term and Online: Summer, B Term.

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  • ORL 4083 - Dynamics of Change

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Focuses on the methods and techniques needed to make organizational change successful and identification of obstacles to organizational change. Provides leaders with the knowledge needed to plan and initiate change.

    Prerequisite: Complete all General Education coursework
    Availability: Main: Spring, A Term and Online: Spring, B Term.

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  • ORL 4213 - Biblical Leadership

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This interdisciplinary course explores biblical texts to discover issues of leadership theory and practice in the ancient context with a view toward understanding in various modern contexts. Attention will be given to biblical metaphors and themes that shape an understanding of leadership.

    Availability: Main: Spring, A Term and Online: Spring, B Term.

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  • ORL 4293 - Values: Personal and Social

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This capstone course focuses on ethical issues confronted by individuals carrying out their personal, social and professional responsibilities specifically in leadership roles. Students are engaged in ethical reflection on issues that arise in many aspects of the contemporary workplace. The application of moral concepts to practical ethical decision-making and values in leadership is stressed. This course has an interdisciplinary focus, drawing upon the insights of scholars from many different fields of study, including philosophy, psychology, communication, religion, public administration, political science, and organizational behavior. Students should find the information in this course useful regardless of their academic background or particular leadership position.

    Prerequisite: Complete all General Education coursework.
    Availability: Main: Fall, B Term; Spring, B Term •Online: Spring, A Term •Orlando: Spring, B Term.

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Gaming & Interactive Media

  • GAM 1803 - Introduction to Game Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course provides an overview of game design and the game industry. Students will develop their design skills by analyzing, modifying, and prototyping games.

    Availability: Fall/Summer

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  • GAM 1823 - Game Development I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will program a functional game from start to finish. They will develop fundamental programming skills and apply technologies and methods unique to game development. 

    Availability: Spring, Summer

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  • GAM 2803 - Game Storytelling

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Storytelling is a central feature of all media and communication. The interactive, player-driven nature of games brings unique challenges and opportunities for storytelling. Students will create design documentation that demonstrates the practical application of storytelling to game development.


    Prerequisite: GAM 1803  
    Availability: Fall

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  • GAM 2823 - Game Development II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Building on the foundation of Game Development I, students will create a full video game from idea to deployment for platform, mobile or virtual reality.


    Prerequisite: GAM 1823  
    Availability: Spring

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  • GAM 2843 - Game Production I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will collaboratively create original game projects from start to finish following a milestones-based iterative development process.


    Prerequisite: GAM 1823  
    Availability: Spring

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  • GAM 3803 - Level Design for 2D & 3D Games

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will design levels for a variety of 2D and 3D game genres.

    Availability: Fall

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  • GAM 3823 - Games Worlds & Systems Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will design systems, such as economies, maps, and character progression, suitable for a variety of game worlds.

    Availability: Spring

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  • GAM 3843 - Game Production II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will collaboratively create original game projects from start to finish following a milestone-based iterative development process. The development of interdisciplinary teamwork skills is encouraged through a hands-on production process.

    Prerequisite: GAM 2823  
    Availability: Spring

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  • GAM 3853 - Game Production III

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will collaboratively create original game projects from start to finish following a milestone-based iterative development process. The creation of innovative games is encouraged through a hands-on production process.


    Prerequisite: GAM 3843  
    Availability: Spring

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  • GAM 4803 - Game User Experience Design Research

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will apply user experience design and research skills within a game development context.


    Prerequisite: Senior Standing
    Availability: Fall

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  • GAM 4843 - Game Production IV

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students will create an original game project with emphasis on the exploration of personal interests and the development of portfolio-quality work.


    Prerequisite: GAM 3853  
    Availability: Spring

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Christian Community Development

  • CCD 2013 - Christian Community Development Theory and Practice

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course introduces students to the theory and practice of Christian community development. First, the course will engage the historical and biblical foundations of the reign of God and the church as inspiration and tools of Christian community development and transformation. Second, the course will examine concepts and principles of Christian community development and engage different social justice traditions. Third, the course will provide an introduction to qualitative research methods for community asset mapping.

    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • CCD 3003 - Christian Community Development in the Latinx Context

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The course offers a historical overview and contemporary survey of Christianity in Latin America and among Hispanic/Latinx communities in the United States. Attention will be given to the socio-cultural history of the churches, ecclesial practices and the developments in theology so as to prepare students to work in ministry and community development. The course will examine Latinx communities in South Florida and the social needs of these communities in relation to immigration, identify formation, and economic, racial, and social justice.

    Availability: Even Falls

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  • CCD 3013 - African American Community Development

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the historical, sociological, and spiritual model of African American community development with an understanding of African American organizational autonomy from slavery into contemporary life and the suppositions of African American community life, which help shape the social and contextual hegemony of community development.

    Availability: On Demand

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