Mar 03, 2025  
Undergraduate Evening and Online Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Evening and Online Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Early Graduate Admission: Graduation Requirements for Online Ministry Majors

    Faith, Roots, and Reason Program 39 hrs

Biblical Studies

(6 Hours)

MIN 1003 Exploring the Bible 3
MIN 4153 Christian Values and Biblical Faith 3


(9 Hours)

GENG 1113 Composition I 3
GENG 1123 Composition II 3
COM 1113 Public Speaking 3

Humanities & Social Science

(14 Hours)

GHUM 1013 Humanities I: Prehistory through 1000 A.D. 3
GHUM 1023 Humanities II: The World from 1000 to 1700 3
GHUM 1033 Humanities III: The World from 1700 to Present 3
Global Studies ICS 3503 World Religions (credits counted in the major below) 0
Social Science MLS 4063 Church in Society (credits count in the major below) 0
Freedom Freedom in American Society 3
Fine Arts MUS 2162 Music Appreciation or CIN 1202 Film Appreciation 2

Math & Science

(6 Hours)

Math MAT 1803 Finite Math 3
Science GSCI 1333 Introduction to Natural Science 3

Orientation & PE

(4 Hours)

Orientation MIN 2003 Foundations for Christian Ministry 3
GHHP 1061 Lifetime Fitness 1
    Ministry Major 42 hrs

School of Ministry Core

(24 Hours)

MIN 2000 Ministry Orientation 0
MIN 2403 Spiritual Formation 3
MIN 3043 Exploring the Old Testament 3
MIN 3053 Exploring the New Testament 3
MIN 3083 Interpreting the Bible 3
MIN 3503 World Religions 3
History MIN 3103 History of Christianity or MIN 3133 History and Theology of Missions 3
MIN 4063 Church in Society (satisfies the FRR Social Science requirement) 3
MIN 4093 Systematic Theology 3

Major Requirements

(18 Hours)

MIN 2413 Principles of Christian Leadership 3
MIN 4403 Theology and Ethics of Ministry 3
MIN 3XX3/4XX3 Ministry Elective Menu 1* 3
MIN 3XX3/4XX3 Open Ministry Elective 3
MIN 3XX3/4XX3 Open Ministry Elective 3
MIN 3XX3/4XX3 Open Ministry Elective 3
    Other Courses** 39 hrs

The following notes apply to Ministry majors who are seeking early graduate admission to PBA’s Master of Divinity degree program:

* Choose one of the following: MIN 3303 Homiletics; MIN 3183 Conflict and Crisis in Ministry; MIN 3193 Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness; MIN 3373 Evangelism and Apologetics; MIN 4213 Education in the Church.

** Up to 35 hrs Graduate courses applied to UG degree to equal 120 credit hrs total.