Feb 17, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid

Palm Beach Atlantic University makes every effort to offer financial assistance through a variety of programs (federal, state, and institutional) to qualified students. In addition to providing funds on the basis of demonstrated financial need in the form of grants, work-study awards, and loans, the University may offer scholarships to recognize and reward talent, academic achievement, and meritorious performance. Students must apply for need-based financial assistance each year by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA) online at www.studentaid.gov.

Financial assistance to help defray educational-related expenses, including tuition and fees, books and supplies, housing, meals, transportation, personal items, health insurance, international and other special programs of study, may be provided in the form of scholarships and grants (gift monies that are not repaid) and self-help (loans and work-study employment). University scholarships will not exceed the cost of tuition. Loans must be repaid, usually after 6 months of the day the recipient has graduated or discontinued studies with at least half time enrollment. Under the federal work-study program, students are provided employment and paid monthly based on the number of hours worked. A student receiving aid at the time of admission may expect to continue receiving assistance during subsequent years, provided:

  • The student maintains satisfactory academic progress as defined in this Catalog;
  • The need for aid continues;
  • The student is enrolled in a degree-seeking program eligible for financial aid;
  • The student’s enrolled hours are required for degree completion;
  • The student meets the specific requirements of the various scholarship/grant programs;
  • The University continues to receive adequate federal and/or state aid funds; and 
  • The student files the proper applications.

In the event the student fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress and is denied such assistance, he or she may reestablish student financial assistance by enrolling at his or her own expense and subsequently raising his or her PBA cumulative GPA* to meet the required standard.

* The PBA cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of semester credit hours earned at PBA. Before an entering freshman, a transfer student, or a student who is seeking readmission may be considered for a financial assistance award, the University must first accept him or her for admission/readmission. All University transcripts must be received and evaluated by the University before a student will be presented with a financial aid award package.

NOTE: A student’s standing as an undergraduate or graduate student is an important factor in the financial aid process. Students who enter PBA’s School of Pharmacy and all other 3+2 programs with fewer than 90 earned credit hours are considered undergraduates for financial aid purposes. Once students reach 90 or 120 credit hours based on program students become graduate students the subsequent semester.  

Applying for Need-Based Financial Assistance

Each academic year, students may apply for need-based financial assistance (federal, state, or institutional) by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Renewal FAFSA on or after October 1st. Students may apply online at www.studentaid.gov.

The Financial Aid Office is committed to serving and guiding students through the process of applying for aid. Assistance with completing the FAFSA and financial aid documents is available from professional financial aid counselors located in Hood Hall. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appointments are not necessary.

FAFSA applications and all other required information submitted prior to March 1 will be given priority consideration to the extent of availability of funds. Financial aid documents may be required to finalize aid eligibility. To view the financial aid offer and outstanding documents, students may login to the financial aid portal online at http://my.pba.edu.

Transfer Students

Credit will be awarded for courses completed at regionally accredited institutions if they approximately correspond to PBA courses and if the student has earned a grade of “C-” or better. All official college transcripts must be submitted directly to Palm Beach Atlantic University from every institution previously attended before registration for the subsequent term begins. This includes institutions where courses were attempted and credit was not earned (failing grades or withdrawals). If the transcripts are not submitted, financial aid and class registration will be frozen. We will make an effort to encourage official transcripts prior to the student enrolling for their respective term. For Financial Aid, FAFSA self-certify will verify high school completion. PBA reserves the right to research previous institutions attended through the National Student Clearinghouse database.

Institutional Scholarships

Palm Beach Atlantic University is committed to making a high quality, educational experience affordable. Full-time day undergraduate enrollment is required for all institutional aid. In order to customize a comprehensive financial aid offer, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be completed every year by March 1, in order to be given priority consideration for aid. Full-time enrollment in both fall and spring semesters is required to receive a full scheduled award.

Questions regarding a particular scholarship or grant should be directed to the Office of Admissions (new students) or the Financial Aid Office (returning students). Scholarships and grants are contingent upon continuous enrollment (excluding summer terms) and generally are limited to nine (9) consecutive semesters (7 semesters for transfer students).

Students are required to maintain good standing at PBA in order to receive institutional financial assistance the following year. Academic Probation, Suspension, and/or Academic Bankruptcy are cause for loss of institutional aid. Also, students should refer to PBA’s student handbook, The Navigator, for further stipulations regarding Chapel and Workship probation.

PBA Academic and PBA Assistance Awards

Students enrolled full-time in the traditional undergraduate program are eligible to receive a PBA Academic Scholarship. For freshmen, PBA Academic Scholarships will be awarded based on the student’s incoming high school GPA and SAT/ACT scores. For transfer students, PBA Academic Scholarships will be awarded based on the student’s incoming college GPA. The Academic Scholarships are:

  • President’s Scholarship
  • Provost’s Scholarship
  • Dean’s Scholarship
  • Achievement Award
  • Sailfish Award

Students may also be eligible to receive a PBA Assistance Scholarship. Students must complete the FAFSA application in their entrance year to PBA and have financial need in order to qualify.

These awards may be renewable for up to nine (9) semesters depending upon satisfactory academic progress and eligibility determined by the FAFSA application.

Athletic Scholarship

Athletic scholarships are granted to qualified students based on ability and are consistently made in accordance with NCAA rules. Applicable students will meet with the Athletics department during the Admissions process. Eligibility to renew is determined each semester.

Theatre, Music, Art and Dance Awards

Theatre, Music, Art and Dance scholarships are also granted to qualified students based on ability and potential for success. An audition is required. Applicable students will meet with the appropriate department during the Admissions process. Eligibility to renew is determined each semester.

Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Grants

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson believed that education is essential to the individual and to the strength of the free enterprise system, which they valued highly. The Foundation they established provides scholarship grants to qualified students at Palm Beach Atlantic who wish to pursue their academic goals through higher education but cannot otherwise afford to do so. By supporting education, the Foundation seeks to promote free enterprise and foster the values of leadership, high ideals, and social responsibility that develop as a result of the student’s hard work and personal effort.

Applicants must be qualified high school graduates who demonstrate need, with emphasis being placed on students from middle-income families. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson also established other scholarships, the John A. Gullinear Johnson Scholarship and the Charles S. and Leonetta R. Macleod Scholarship, in memory of their parents.

Standards of Academic Progress and Eligibility for PBA Scholarships

Sources of PBA Institutional Scholarships may include academic scholarships, need based grants, Athletic Scholarships, Theatre, Music, Art and Dance scholarships and Theodore R. and Vivian M. Johnson Grants.

The PBA cumulative GPA determines whether or not an undergraduate student is making satisfactory academic progress in order to continue receiving PBA Institutional Scholarships. A 2.5 cumulative GPA is required to continue receiving PBA Institutional Scholarships.

Good Standing: A student is in good academic standing for PBA Institutional Scholarships with a cumulative 2.5 GPA or greater.

Scholarship Probation (below 2.5 after annual SAP review following spring term): A student will be placed on Scholarship Probation if at the point of Satisfactory Academic Progress review the student has below a 2.5 cumulative GPA. The student will remain on Scholarship Probation for one full academic year with no reduction in their PBA Scholarship for that year. If at the end of the probationary year the student remains below the 2.5 cumulative GPA they will go onto Scholarship Suspension for the following academic year.

Scholarship Suspension (below 2.5 following the 2nd SAP review): A student will be placed on Scholarship Suspension for one academic year if after being placed on Scholarship Probation he/she does not meet the cumulative 2.5 GPA. Aid will be cancelled until the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.5 or above.

Note: Taking a semester or year off of school does not in itself entitle the student to being lifted off of Scholarship Suspension. The student must take classes and raise the cumulative GPA to the required 2.5 GPA to get back into good standing.

Scholarship Suspension Appeal: A student may appeal the Scholarship Suspension by submitting an appeal application with supporting documentation explaining their extenuating circumstance to the Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid Appeals Committee or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will review the appeal and render a decision. If the appeal is granted, the student will be notified in writing of the approval and/or of any conditions upon which the approval is contingent. The decision of the Financial Aid Appeals Committee or CFO is final.*

* Note: Students receiving Title IV or Campus Based aid are subject to the Satisfactory Academic Progress measures described later in this PBA University Catalog or available in the Policy and Procedures Manual located in the Financial Aid Office. This policy is also available on my.pba.edu.

Endowed Scholarships/Grants

Endowed scholarships are offered to new and returning students as a continued assistance in aid dependent upon a variety of factors, including financial need, major, and academic merit. Students have the opportunity to apply for these scholarships for the year following entry to the University. Several endowed scholarships/grants have specific eligibility requirements and may require a separate application process. The general Endowed Scholarship application offered to returning students may be received from the Financial Aid Office. This application provides a renewable endowed scholarship and may only be completed once during a student’s undergraduate attendance at PBA. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information at 561.803.2126.

State of Florida Programs

Florida Residency

A Florida resident is: 

  • An independent student who has established and maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months prior to attending college;
  • A dependent student of someone who has established and maintained residence in Florida for at least 12 months prior to attending college;
  • A U.S. citizen, permanent resident or a legal alien granted indefinite stay by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

Note: Moving for the sole purpose of attending school does not establish residency.

The student or one of their parents (based on the Department of Education’s determination of dependency status) will be asked to provide documentation for proof of residency when determining eligibility for state grants.

Effective Access to Student Education Program

The Effective Access to Student Education Grant provides a tuition grant to full-time day undergraduate Floridians enrolled in private, accredited colleges in Florida. The grant is not based on need. The student is required to:

  • Be enrolled full time (minimum of 12 credit hours per semester);
  • Earn 12 credit hours for each fall or spring semester the award was received;
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress, as defined by the State and PBA (generally, 2.0 GPA); 
  • Have resided, for other than educational purposes, in the state of Florida for at least 12 months prior to registration in a Florida school, exclusive of temporary absences due to vacation or study abroad;
  • Meet all other conditions as required by the Florida Legislature;
  • Provide final academic transcripts by September 15 for fall semester award or February 15 for spring semester award; and
  • The Effective Access to Student Education grant application, along with supporting documentation, must be completed by September 15 for fall entry or February 15 for spring entry to PBA.

Florida Student Assistance Grant

The Florida Student Assistance Grant is a need-based program available to eligible Florida residents who demonstrate financial need as evidenced by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The grant has limited funding and is awarded to students based on need. In addition, the student must meet all conditions as outlined in in the Satisfactory Academic Progress section.

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

The Bright Futures Scholarship Program was established by the Legislature in 1997 to greatly expand Florida’s merit award program. Recipients, high achieving high school graduates and returning college students, are eligible to receive funding from one of two programs:

  • Florida Academic Scholars
  • Florida Medallion Scholars

Florida Work Experience Program

The Florida Work Experience Program is a need-based work program offered to Florida resident students. The program allows students who have a demonstrated financial need, as determined by the FAFSA, to obtain an on-campus job that relates to the student’s chosen major. The funds may be earned for up to eight (8) semesters and must be used to defray the cost of education. Students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office prior to the start of the academic year, as funding for this program is limited.

Federal (Title IV) Programs

Eligibility Requirements

Students applying for assistance from any federal program must file either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Renewal FAFSA prior to each academic year. Students need not be full-time to be eligible for federal assistance, but they must be at least half-time for federal student loans. In addition, students must meet general eligibility requirements, which include:

  • U.S. citizenship or eligible non-citizen status;
  • Enrollment in a degree-seeking program;
  • Ability to benefit (being academically qualified);
  • Having earned a high school diploma or the GED or having passed an independently administered exam approved by the Department of Education;
  • Maintaining satisfactory academic progress;
  • Not being in default on a student loan or owing a grant overpayment; 
  • Having a valid Social Security Number; and
  • Being registered with the Selective Service, as required.

Pell Grant

This federally funded grant is awarded to high-need students pursuing their first baccalaureate degree. Eligibility is determined by the U.S. Department of Education upon submissions of the FAFSA. The amount of the award is pro-rated based on the student’s expected family contribution and enrollment status. Student may receive a maximum 600% during their pursuit of an undergraduate degree. This includes all awards from any institution attended.


The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant is available for students who are pursuing an education degree and plan on teaching upon graduation. Students must sign an Agreement to Serve as a full-time teacher at designated low-income schools in a high-need field. The TEACH Grant is pro-rated for students enrolled less than full-time. Requirements for initial and renewal eligibility are:

  • U.S. citizen;
  • Be enrolled in coursework necessary to begin a career in teaching;
  • Be above the 75th percentile on one part of an admissions test (i.e. SAT or ACT);
  • Have at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA;
  • Enrolled at least half time (6 credit hours);
  • Have completed the School of Education’s first screening process.

If the student does not fulfill the obligations outlined in the Agreement to Serve, the student will be responsible for repayment of the TEACH Grant as an unsubsidized loan (the interest will accrue retroactively).

Campus-Based Programs

Palm Beach Atlantic administers federally-funded, campus-based programs: the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant and the Federal Work-Study Program. To be eligible to participate, PBA applies each year for funding, a portion of which must be matched by the University.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This grant is for undergraduate students who have exceptional financial need. FSEOG recipients must be eligible to receive the Pell Grant.

Federal Work Study (FWS)

Eligibility for the Federal Work-Study Program is determined by the FAFSA. Students interested in this program will need to contact the Financial Aid Office to determine eligibility, obtain a listing of FWS positions at https://pba.joinhandshake.com/register, and complete the necessary paperwork to begin a position.

Students are generally employed five to fifteen hours per week. In addition, a number of positions are available off campus with non-profit agencies in the community. The student’s need, class schedule, work skills, and academic progress are considered when offering work-study awards.

Direct Loan Program

Students who have submitted the FAFSA and are enrolled in a degree seeking curriculum with a minimum of 6 credit hours may be eligible for Direct loans. Award amount is determined by the student’s academic grade level and dependency status, and the annual loan limits set by the government. Students apply for Direct Loans by submitting the FAFSA/Renewal FAFSA (the results of which determine what portion of the money borrowed is subsidized and/or unsubsidized). A Master Promissory Note (MPN) must be submitted along with Entrance Counselling and Informed Borrowing Confirmation. Students can submit documents at www.studentaid.gov.

On subsidized (need-based) loans, the government pays the interest while the student is enrolled at least half time. On unsubsidized (non-need based) loans, the student can elect to pay the interest while in school, or, if not paid, it will be capitalized (added to the principal balance) by the lender. Repayment begins six months after the student ceases to be enrolled at least half time.

Direct Loan - Annual Loan Limits

Student Type (earned credits) Dependent Students Independent Students
Freshman (1-29 credits)

$5500 (no more than $3,500 can be subsidized)

extra $4,000 with PLUS denial
$9,500 (no more than $3,500 can be subsidized)
Sophomore  (30-59 credits)

$6,500 (no more than $4,500 can be subsidized)

extra $4,000 with PLUS denial
$10,500 (no more than $4,500 can be subsidized)
Junior/Senior (60+ credits)

$7,500 (no more than $5,500 can be subsidized)

extra $5,000 with PLUS denial
$12,500 (no more than $5,500 can be subsidized)

NOTE: If a dependent student’s parent is denied a Parent PLUS loan, they are eligible for the independent unsubsidized loan amounts. This “additional” unsubsidized loan (4K or 5K depending on grade level) is awarded as a separate loan from the regular unsubsidized loan and it does not count against the student’s lifetime loan limits when they are dependent.

Loan Entrance Counseling Sessions

Federal regulations require all students receiving a Direct Subsidized Loan or Direct Unsubsidized Loan to participate in a loan entrance counseling session prior to receiving the first distribution of the loan. No federal student loan can be disbursed until this requirement is met. A student accepting a loan award for the first time at PBA can complete the loan entrance requirement by going to https://studentaid.gov/.

Master Promissory Note

Federal regulations require all students receiving a Direct Subsidized or Direct Unsubsidized Loan to complete a Master Promissory Note prior to receiving the first distribution of the loan. No federal student loan can be disbursed until this requirement is met. A student accepting a loan award for the first time at PBA can complete the Master Promissory Note requirement by going to https://studentaid.gov/.

Informed Borrowing Confirmation

An active confirmation process requires a student or parent to take action to accept a loan made under an MPN before the school can disburse any loan funds. All MPN confirmation processes will now require student and parent borrowers to view how much they currently owe in federal student loans, and to acknowledge that they have seen this amount before a school can make a first disbursement of the first Direct Loan that a student or parent borrower receives for each new award year. This can be completed each year by going to https://studentaid.gov/.

Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

The parents of dependent students may apply for a Parent PLUS Loan. Parent loans are a great resource for some families because parents are able to repay their PLUS loan over a ten-year period or more at a fixed interest rate. Parents may also request payment deferment until after the student graduates and/or is no longer enrolled in at least six credit hours per term. If a parent applies for a PLUS loan and is not approved, the student will be eligible for additional unsubsidized loans. For more information, visit https://www.pba.edu/financial-aid/parent-info.html.

Other Programs

Veterans Benefits

Veterans may qualify for educational assistance according to their length of military service. Widows and children of veterans who died or were disabled as a result of service, connected injury or disease may also be eligible for educational benefits. Information may be obtained from the Veterans Administration or from PBA’s Office of the Registrar. Veterans receiving benefits under chapter 31 and 33 have their tuition and fees paid directly to the school by the government.  Veterans enrolled under all other chapters receive their allowances directly from the government and pay tuition and fees as all students are required.

WARNING: Students who drop or withdraw from a course may not be paid for the course unless the circumstances for having to drop the course are considered to be mitigating circumstances by the Veterans Administration (i.e., circumstances beyond the control of the student).

VA Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), Palm Beach Atlantic University adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. PBA will not:

  • Prevent the student’s enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, students are required to:

  • Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the end of the first week of classes;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.

WARNING: Students who drop or withdraw from a course may not be paid for the course unless the circumstances for having to drop the course are considered to be mitigating circumstances by the Veterans Administration (i.e., circumstances beyond the control of the student).

Vocational Rehabilitation

Physically disabled students may be approved to receive financial assistance to attend college for the purpose of vocational rehabilitation. Those who wish to consult with a representative regarding vocational rehabilitation should contact their local district office of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services.

NOTE: The Financial Aid Office coordinates the process for Satisfactory Academic Progress and Eligibility for Financial Assistance. Any student who receives financial assistance at PBA of any type (federal, state, institutional, or outside scholarships/grants) must demonstrate both qualitatively and quantitatively the ability to do satisfactory academic work and to progress measurably toward a degree. At the end of the spring semester of each academic year, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the academic progress of each student receiving financial assistance. This evaluation determines a student’s eligibility to receive financial assistance in the next academic year. In addition, at the end of both the fall and spring semesters, the Office of the Registrar reviews the qualitative academic progress of all degree-seeking students to determine the eligibility for continued enrollment at PBA.

Undergraduate students enrolled in any of PBA’s non-traditional programs, or graduate students or pharmacy students should note the refund policy stated in those sections of the Catalog.

Yellow Ribbon Program

Palm Beach Atlantic University has committed to a maximum Yellow Ribbon Program match of $3,650. This level of match will allow the fulltime undergraduate day student to receive aid equal to tuition and fees for fall and spring semesters only minus the Post 911 GI Bill of $24,476.90. If the student receives tuition restricted grants or scholarships, the match will be reduced so that the total package is equal to tuition and fees. Unrestricted PBA scholarships (Ex. PBA Academic Scholarships, PBA Assist and other PBA institutional scholarships) will be used as the 50% institutional match. If the unrestricted institutional scholarship does not meet the 50% institutional share, a PBA Yellow Ribbon scholarship will be awarded for the difference. For examples and procedures to apply contact the financial aid office. Offering this program each year is based on the approval from the VA.

To apply for Yellow Ribbon students must contact the Registrar’s Office.

Note: Yellow Ribbon doesn’t apply to additional bachelors or students in Professional or graduate programs.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal Aid

Undergraduate students receiving federal aid must demonstrate each year that they are progressing satisfactorily towards completion of their degree program in order to maintain their eligibility for that assistance. A course withdrawal, a course repetition, a course incomplete, and/or academic bankruptcy are counted in the total credit hours attempted. At the end of each semester, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the academic progress of each student who received financial assistance. In order to maintain eligibility for all federal aid, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a Palm Beach Atlantic University cumulative GPA of at least
    • 2.0 for undergraduate and pharmacy students
    • 2.5 for Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Studies, Master of Accountancy, and Master of Business Administration students
    • 3.0 for all other graduate students and Doctor of Nursing students
  • Complete at least two thirds (2/3) of their attempted credits to date.

Please note that the following conditions apply:

  • Attempted credits include credits transferred from another institution that have been accepted towards their degree program at Palm Beach Atlantic University.
  • Attempted credits include course withdrawals and repeated courses.
  • Attempted credits include all courses in which the student has earned a grade including a grade of incomplete.
  • Attempted credits include credit hours forgiven under the Palm Beach Atlantic University Academic Bankruptcy policy.
  • Completed courses include all courses that the Office of the Registrar has determined will be credited towards completion of the student’s degree program.
  • Students will become ineligible for any federal assistance after attempting 150% of the required credits to complete their degree.

Warning Period

Subsequent to a determination that satisfactory academic progress has not been made, students will automatically be placed on warning for a period of one semester. If at the end of the warning period the student still does not meet the criteria set forth in this policy, eligibility to receive federal financial aid governed by this policy will be suspended. A student whose eligibility has been suspended will regain eligibility at the end of any Satisfactory Academic Progress review after which they meet the above criteria.

State Aid

Students receiving aid from state-funded programs must demonstrate each year that they are progressing satisfactorily towards completion of their degree program in order to maintain their eligibility for that assistance. At the end of each spring semester, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the academic progress of each student who received financial assistance.

Effective Access to Student Education Program

In order to maintain eligibility for Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) grant program, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a Palm Beach Atlantic University cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.0.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student (in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester).

Please note that the following conditions apply:

  • Students must earn 24 credit hours in the previous school year in order for the award to renew.
  • Students who have attended only one semester in the previous year must have earned 12 credit hours in order for the award to renew.
  • Students may receive the EASE grant for up to 9 semesters.

Florida Student Assistance Grant

In order to maintain eligibility for Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG), a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a Palm Beach Atlantic University cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.0.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student (in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester).

Please note that the following conditions apply:

  • Students must earn 24 credit hours in the previous school year in order for the award to renew.
  • Students who have attended only one semester in the previous year must have earned 12 credit hours in order for the award to renew.
  • Students may receive the FSAG award for up to 9 semesters.

Florida Bright Futures

In order to maintain eligibility for the Florida Bright Futures scholarship, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a Palm Beach Atlantic University cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75 for Medallion recipients and at least 3.0 for Academic recipients.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student (in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester).

Please note that the following conditions apply:

  • Students must earn 24 credit hours in the previous school year in order for the award to renew.
  • Students who have attended only one semester in the previous year must have earned 12 credit hours in order for the award to renew.
  • Bright Futures recipients are typically able to use their scholarship for up to 120 credit hours. To check the award history and see the remaining hours of your Bright Future award, log on to

Warning Periods

Effective Access to Student Education Grant/Florida Student Assistance Grant

If an EASE/FSAG recipient does not earn 24 credits hours in the academic year (or 12 credit hours if they only attended one semester), he or she will automatically be placed on suspension for EASE/FSAG. If a student meets the credit hour requirement but fails to meet the above GPA standards, he or she will enter a “warning period” for the following academic year. At the end of the spring semester of the warning period, satisfactory academic progress will be reevaluated. If the student does not meet the required GPA and earned credit hour requirements after the warning period, he or she will be suspended from all EASE/FSAG awards. A student whose eligibility has been suspended will regain eligibility at the end of any Satisfactory Academic Progress review after which they meet the above criteria. 

Bright Futures

If a student fails to meet the above GPA and credit hour requirements for granting Bright Futures, he or she will lose Bright Futures immediately. No warning period is given for Bright Futures awards.

Institutional Aid

Students receiving aid from Palm Beach Atlantic University must demonstrate each year that they are progressing satisfactorily towards completion of their degree program in order to maintain their eligibility for institutional assistance. At the end of each spring semester, the Financial Aid Office evaluates the academic progress of each student who received financial assistance from PBA.

In order to maintain eligibility for PBA aid, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Maintain a Palm Beach Atlantic University cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 2.5.
  • Be enrolled as a full-time student (in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester).

Please note that the following conditions apply:

  • PBA aid can be renewed for up to 9 semesters for incoming freshmen students and up to 7 semesters for incoming transfer students.

Warning Period

If a student fails to meet the above standards for granting institutional aid, he or she will enter a “warning period” until the following year. The following spring, satisfactory academic progress will be reevaluated. If the student does not have a GPA of at least 2.5 after the warning period, he or she will be suspended from receiving all PBA aid.

Appeal of Financial Aid Suspension

A student whose eligibility has been suspended for failure to meet the criteria above because of special circumstances may submit an appeal application to the Financial Aid Office. Special circumstances would include a student becoming very ill or severely injured; a relative dying, becoming very ill or severely injured; having a documented mental illness; dealing with divorce or family abuse; having a work conflict; or having to drop due to a PBA error or other similar events. The appeal process includes the following steps:

  1. The student contacts the Financial Aid Office to receive the application for appeal.
  2. The student submits the appeal application to the Financial Aid Office detailing the mitigating circumstances and providing supporting documentation of the circumstances.
  3. The Financial Aid Office reviews the appeal and determines if the appeal should be approved.
  4. If the appeal is approved, the Financial Aid Office may limit the approval to a single semester or place other conditions on the approval.

Note: Approval of an appeal does not override GPA or earned credit hour requirements for eligibility specific to certain state, institutional or other awards.

The Financial Aid Office cannot accept appeals to Financial Aid after the first day of classes for the term for which the student is suspended.

Enrollment Status Requirements

To receive institutional and most forms of state assistance, students must enroll full-time. At least half-time enrollment is required for Stafford loans. For financial assistance purposes, PBA has established the following enrollment categories:

Full -time at least 12 credit hours per semester
Half-time 6 - 8 credit hours per semester
Below half-time 1 - 5 credit hour(s) per semester

Return of Title IV Funds Policy

For a student who receives federal student financial assistance (Title IV funds, including PLUS loan proceeds) or who is entitled to receive a late disbursement of federal aid and who withdraws from the college or otherwise fails to complete the period of enrollment for which he or she was charged, the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) refund and repayment requirements apply.

Important Note: Under the SFA refund and repayment policy, the terms “refund” and “repayment” have very specific meanings. “Refund” refers to that unearned portion institutional charges that must be returned to financial assistance program(s) for a student who received Title IV funds. “Repayment” refers to that unearned portion of financial aid funds (excluding federal work-study and Direct Loan proceeds) disbursed as cash to a student receiving Title IV funds that the student must pay back.

Refunds of allowable institutional charges and repayments of funds disbursed to cover non-institutional charges will be calculated in accordance with federal regulations and according to the particular status of the individual student, as follows:

A Return of Title IV Refund must be made if a student withdraws from all of his classes on or before the 60% point in time of the enrollment period for which the student was charged, since PBA has neither applicable state nor accrediting agency refund policies to consider in determining which calculation provides the largest refund. Allowable institutional charges are refunded to Title IV programs based on the Return of Title IV Refund percentage of the enrollment period that remains. New regulations as of July 1, 2021, state that students in module courses are exempt from having the Return to Title IV calculation performed if they meet the following:

  • The student successfully completed one module or a combination of modules with a combined length of at least 49 percent of the number of countable days in the payment period or period or enrollment*;
  • The student successfully completed coursework comprising at least half-time status, according to the school’s definition of half-time status; or
  • The student provided written confirmation of attendance in a later module that begins within 45 days in the same payment period or period of enrollment. This written confirmation must be provided as close as possible to the date that he ceased attendance and before the time when the school is required to perform the return Title IV funds calculation, offer a postwithdrawal.

Determination of the Title IV Refund percentage of the enrollment period that remains is calculated by dividing the remaining days in the period for which the student is enrolled/charged by the number of days in the enrollment period.

Repayment Calculation

Should a repayment calculation result in an overpayment to the student, the student’s account will be charged accordingly within 45 days of the determined withdrawal date, and the repayment owed will be distributed as follows:

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Direct PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal SEOG
  6. Federal TEACH Grant
  7. Other private or institutional sources of aid

Example: Student receives a Federal Pell Grant for $2,000 and a Federal Direct Stafford Loan for $1,930 for the semester. Student attends three weeks into the term. This represents only 20 percent of attendance of the term. Therefore, a Return of Title IV Calculation must be computed. Student would lose $1,930 for their Federal Direct Stafford Loan and $1,214 of their Federal Pell Grant. The student will owe this amount to the university as charges would not be adjusted after the third week of classes.

Note: In the event that a student does owe an overpayment of Title IV funds, PBA will be responsible for notifying the student, for billing the student, and for collecting the overpayment. Furthermore, immediately upon discovery of the overpayment, PBA will flag the student’s record to indicate that the student is ineligible for further Title IV funds until the overpayment has been repaid.

Repayment Calculation

Should a repayment calculation result in an overpayment to the student, the student’s account will be charged accordingly within 45 days of the determined withdrawal date, and the repayment owed will be distributed as follows:

  1. Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
  2. Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan Program
  4. Federal Direct PLUS Loan 
  5. Federal Pell Grant 
  6. Federal SEOG 
  7. Federal TEACH Grant 
  8. Other private or institutional sources of aid

Example: Student receives a Federal Pell Grant for $2,000 and a Federal Direct Stafford Loan for $1,930 for the semester. Student attends three weeks into the term. This represents only 20 percent of attendance of the term. Therefore, a Return of Title IV Calculation must be computed. Student would lose $1,930 for their Federal Direct Stafford Loan and $1,214 of their Federal Pell Grant. The student will owe this amount to the University as charges would not be adjusted after the third week of classes.

Note: In the event that a student does owe an overpayment of Title IV funds, PBA will be responsible for notifying the student, for billing the student, and for collecting the overpayment. Furthermore, immediately upon discovery of the overpayment, PBA will flag the student’s record to indicate that the student is ineligible for further Title IV funds until the overpayment has been repaid.