Feb 17, 2025
Graduate and Pharmacy Catalog 2024-2025
PRX 4946 - Non-Patient Care Elective 1 - Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience6 Credit Hours This elective rotation introduces students to various non-traditional pharmacy practice settings. The student will develop skills necessary to effectively interact in the setting and critically literature associated with the activities as the practice site. This rotation is designed to further develop the student’s knowledge and understand the purpose and responsibilities of pharmacist in these settings.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of first, second and third year didactic pharmacy courses (all PRX 1000, 2000, and 3000 level courses), including minimum competency on the APPE Readiness Assessments (ARAs); PRX 1212 , PRX 2212 , PRX 2222 , PRX 3102 Availability: Summer/Fall/Spring
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