Jul 26, 2024  
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • Tim Eichner, M.F.A.
  • David Pounds, M.F.A.

Assistant Professor

  • Heather Couch, M.F.A. 

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Department of Art is to develop articulate artists whose creative expression combines critical perception and artistic integrity with Christian character. Graduates are expected to demonstrate knowledge of historical and cultural perspectives, critical thinking skills, and technical proficiency in the use of traditional and/or digital tools. The successful student combines these competencies to prepare and present art in a professional manner.

Programs of Study

The department offers a major in art with a studio art emphasis, a graphic art emphasis, an art education emphasis, as well as studio art and graphic art minors. In addition, individual art courses serve the interests of students who are majoring or minoring in art.

The major in art with a studio emphasis is designed to develop the student’s abilities as a generalist in art while also affording him or her some opportunity to specialize in one or more studio areas (e.g. ceramics, drawing, painting, crafts, etc.). Upon completion of the program, the student may choose to practice one or more of the visual arts as a career choice, or he or she might seek a professional position wherein artistic competencies are regularly utilized. With a broad education in the visual arts and a liberal arts education to support him or her, the student may choose to pursue graduate-level education in the arts or more specialized art training at some other institution of higher education.

The major in art with a graphic design emphasis is offered in two degree plans. The first, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Graphic Design, is structured to allow a student to study an additional area of interest, such as a double-major or minor in a non-Graphic Design subject, which provides an opportunity to experience a wide variety of other subjects through a generous number of elective classes. The second degree plan, a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design, is a professional degree program, with the goal of post-graduation employment as its core guiding principle. This program provides a much more robust and comprehensive course of study, providing greater breadth and depth of information and experiences, but with less opportunity to study non-graphic design subject matter.

The major in art with an emphasis in art education is shared with the Department of Education and provides the opportunity for students to develop not only artistic sensitivities and abilities, but also the skills of teaching art in an educational curriculum.

Admission Requirements

Admission to programs of study in the Department of Art is through evaluation by the faculty of a prospective student’s portfolio. Portfolios (electronic or otherwise) are submitted through the Admissions Department to the Chair of the Department of Art. An interview may also be required. Students admitted must maintain a 2.75 GPA for all classes within the major.

All art majors will have their progress reviewed annually, and must maintain a 2.75 grade point average in all art courses attempted at Palm Beach Atlantic University in order to continue in good standing. Admission to upper level study is determined on the basis of the student’s cumulative GPA in art courses completed by the end of the fourth semester, and the recommendation of the student’s advisor. The art faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student from a major or minor in art if he or she fails to meet departmental standards. Decisions to dismiss a student will be reviewed automatically by the executive committee of the School of Music and Fine Arts, and a student may appeal to the Dean. Every attempt will be made to counsel a student into a more suitable major in the event that he or she is unable to meet the standards of the department.

Acceptance of transfer students or current PBA students wishing to declare an art major after their freshman year is based on an entrance interview, preferably supported by a portfolio of previous art work. Acceptance may be full or provisional. If provisional, appropriate recommendations will be made, and opportunities for developmental work may be offered. Upon satisfactory completion of any recommendations, full acceptance will be granted. Such students must maintain a 2.75 GPA for all classes within the major. Classes taken to satisfy minor or general education requirements are not counted towards the minimum necessary GPA. If during either of the first two semesters after being accepted into the program a student does not maintain the minimum necessary GPA their progress will be reviewed by the art faculty to determine if they will be allowed to continue in the program. If there is insufficient evidence to suggest that they will be successful they will be required to change majors.

Residency Requirement

Art Majors may not use transient study to fulfill courses in the Art Core or Major Requirements and Electives.

Semester Abroad

Art students considering a semester abroad should consult with their advisor no later than the middle of their sophomore year. Because courses are not offered every semester careful academic planning is necessary to minimize the negative impact of missing required art classes during the semester abroad. Participation in a semester abroad program may delay graduation.

Graduation Requirements

To obtain employment in an art-related position or to gain entrance into a program of advanced study in art, students are normally required to submit a portfolio of their work. Each student is required to compile a portfolio of his or her best work from each course and make his or her selections in consultation with the instructor of the course. In addition, the Department of Art requires that each art major participate in a senior art exhibit as a prerequisite for graduation.

Display of Student Work

The university reserves the right to permanently retain copies of digitally created art and design from each student for the purposes of display and promotion. The university further retains the right to use photographic reproductions of traditionally created (non-digital) artwork for display or promotion, without exception or time limit. The art faculty may retain one (1) work of traditionally created art work from each student in each class for a period of one year. The art faculty will decide the disposition of these works.