Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Other Courses

  • FRN 2303 - French for Business

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An intermediate language course allowing students to acquire and master French economic and commercial vocabulary through the study of various aspects of French professional life. Enables students to use French effectively both orally and in writing in professional situations. The course has been designed for students with previous training in French. International students from French-speaking countries, heritage learners, or students coming from French-speaking families are not allowed to take this class.

    Prerequisite: FRN 1113 FRN 1123  or equivalent. 
    Availability: On Demand

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  • ACG 2013 - Financial Accounting

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to financial accounting concepts. Includes a study of the accounting cycle, internal control, the treatment of various balance sheet accounts, cash flow, and characteristics of corporations. Stresses the adjustments at the close of the fiscal period and the form, and preparation of financial statements.

    Prerequisite: BUS 1183 , MAT 1853  
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ACG 2023 - Managerial Accounting

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to managerial accounting concepts. Includes financial statement analysis, the study of accounting’s role in management decision-making, cost concepts and behavior, job order and process cost accounting, cost-volume profit analysis, and capital investment analysis.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2013  
    Corequisite: MAT 1853  
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ACG 3113 - Intermediate Accounting I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Review of the accounting model and financial statement preparation. In-depth study and analysis on how management decisions impact financial statements.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2023 , and MAT 1853  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ACG 3123 - Intermediate Accounting II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Continuation of ACG 3113 . In depth study of present and future value concepts, current and long-term liabilities. Accounting changes, leases, principles of revenue recognition and accounting for investments.

    Prerequisite: ACG 3113 , MAT 1853 
    Availability: Spring

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  • ACG 3163 - Accounting Information Systems

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An in-depth study of business and the processing of accounting data from business processes. Risks within business processes, the corresponding internal controls, ethical issues, and the role of information technology in improving business and accounting processes are examined.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2023 , MAT 1853  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ACG 3713 - Federal Taxation 1

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of the taxation of individuals, corporations, estates, and trusts with an emphasis on planning opportunities under alternative techniques.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2023 , MAT 1853 
    Availability: Fall

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  • ACG 3723 - Federal Taxation 2

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the taxation of partnerships and their partners; corporations and their shareholders; estate and trusts and their beneficiaries; and special problems in tax procedures.

    Prerequisite: ACG 3713 , MAT 1853 
    Availability: Spring

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  • ACG 4133 - Auditing

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Professional and technical aspects of the function of auditing ethics and legal responsibilities; review of field work emphasizing the auditing process and auditing examinations, integration of auditing theory & concepts with auditing methodology & practice, and special reports, opinions, and recent auditing developments.

    Prerequisite: ACG 3113 , ACG 3163 , MAT 1853 
    Availability: Spring

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  • ACG 4143 - Cost Accounting

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Study of job order, process, and standard cost methods and procedures with special emphasis upon cost control and planning.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2023 , MAT 1853 
    Availability: Fall

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  • ACG 4523 - Taxation with the IRS

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Students are placed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for approximately 50-60 hours per semester. Students are under the supervision of an IRS agent and a faculty member. Performance evaluations are required, as well as a formal report of the experiential and theoretical knowledge gained in the field experience. This may serve as a substitute for BUSV 4713 Internship in Business.

    Prerequisite: MAT 1853 , Junior or Senior Standing
    Availability: Spring

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  • ACG 5153 - Financial Statement Analysis

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An in-depth study of financial statements as an integral part of the strategic analysis of firms, with the effect of accounting regulations and managerial discretion on financial statements. Topics include strategic analysis, risk and profitability analysis using ratios, accounting analysis, interpretation of financial statements, cash flow analysis, judgments about earnings quality, and prospective forecasting of financial statements.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2013 , and ACG 2023  
    Availability: Spring

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  • ACG 5333 - Cost Accounting

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Cost Accounting examines managerial accounting issues with an emphasis on the study of job order costing, process costing, and standard cost methods and procedures with special emphasis upon cost control and planning. In addition to examining core cost accounting topics, students will examine research on contemporary costs accounting issues.

    Prerequisite: ACG 2023  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ACG 5343 - Federal Taxation 2

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the taxation of partnerships and their partners; corporations and their shareholders; estate and trust and their beneficiaries; and special problems in tax procedures. In addition to examining core tax issues, students will examine research on contemporary tax related issues.

    Prerequisite: ACG 5333  
    Availability: Fall

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Special Note: Although the Art Fee is charged for course materials and/or laboratory supplies, in many courses students will be required to purchase additional personal supplies.

  • ART 1013 - Foundations of Art & Design for Majors

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the foundations of art, drawing and painting, including color theory, elements of composition and design, perspective, basic math for art, and hand lettering.

    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 1022 - Critical Thinking for Art Majors

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the process of creativity in creating art, from original concept to the evolution of an idea, including the ability to brainstorm, to work as an individual and as a team player, or be creative in the development of any artistic endeavor, through lecture and practical assignments designed to encourage understanding of both theory and practice.

    Availability: Spring

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  • ART 1112 - Art Appreciation

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    Interpretation of the visual arts for development of effective criteria for judgment and enjoyment of art in general.

    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ART 1123 - Drawing I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Freehand drawing with emphasis on nature, still lifes, and the human form.

    Corequisite: ART 1013 .
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 1153 - Introduction to Art

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Meets the student’s personal needs and interests while developing basic art concepts and skills utilizing various media and forms of expression.

    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 2123 - Drawing II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Drawing experiences directed toward the development of personal style and expression.

    Prerequisite: ART 1123 
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 2213 - Painting I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Technical and creative problems in various paint media with emphasis on visual organization.

    Prerequisite: ART 1013  or Professor’s Approval.
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 2513 - Digital Graphics I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the use of the basic software of Graphic Design, including InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop.

    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 2523 - Graphic Design I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Learning the creative fundamentals of effective visual communication.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513  or permission of instructor.
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 2813 - Art History I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Survey of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the minor arts from prehistoric times to 1400 AD.

    Availability: Fall

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  • ART 2823 - Art History II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Survey of the development of architecture, sculpture, painting, and the minor arts from 1400 A.D. to the present.

    Availability: Spring

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  • ART 3003 - Watercolor

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Technical and creative experiences with watercolors with emphasis on visual organization.

    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3123 - Ceramics I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the production of ceramic forms by hand and with the potter’s wheel. May not be audited; must be taken for credit.

    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3143 - Crafts I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Hands-on experiences involving materials, techniques, and expressive qualities of major crafts, including, but not limited to, weaving, stitchery, appliqué, tie-dye, batik, printmaking, and ceramics. May not be audited; must be taken for credit.

    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3153 - Sculpture

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Emphasis on modeling in clay and exploring the potential of plaster, wood, and other materials relevant to sculpture. May not be audited; must be taken for credit.

    Prerequisite: ART 1013  or ART 1123 .
    Availability: Even Falls
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3173 - Small Scale Sculpture and Jewelry Making

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the creative possibilities of polymer clay as a medium for creating Jewelry and small-scale sculpture projects.

    Availability: Fall

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  • ART 3213 - Painting II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Painting experiences directed toward the development of personal style and expression.

    Prerequisite: ART 2213 
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3253 - Stained Glass I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the creative possibilities of foil stained glass making, with the emphasis on practical application resulting in finished examples of the craft.

    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3513 - Digital Graphics II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Advanced use of InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop, gaining skills necessary to Graphic Design.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3523 - Graphic Design II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Advanced instruction in effective visual communication with an emphasis on creating portfolio quality work.

    Prerequisite: ART 2523  and ART 3513  or permission of instructor.
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3543 - Multimedia I

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to multimedia content creation using Adobe Software.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513  or permission of instructor.
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3583 - Website Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the basics of website design, including the use of necessary software (Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, and others), with the emphasis on graphic look and design of headers, icons, buttons, and layout.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3593 - Publication Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the principals and practice of publication production and design as applied to newspapers, magazines, and newsletters.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513  
    Availability: Odd Falls
    Art Fee

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  • ART 3713 - Digital Illustration

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Exploration of digital illustration/montage design and its integration into a design context, such as a poster design. Problem solving to meet the design objective, text and image integration, and various creative advertising techniques using Photoshop as an aesthetic tool.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 
    Availability: Even Falls
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4003 - Specialized Topics in Graphic Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    For BFA Graphic Design majors only. Student explores advanced knowledge and instruction in a specific area of interest within the field of graphic design, through a student–proposed project directed by faculty. The class is taken twice for credit, once in the fall of the student’s senior year, and once in the spring of the student’s senior year.

    Prerequisite: Senior BFA Graphic Design major
    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ARTV 4101 - Selected Topics in Art

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    A professor-selected topic course, which provides students amplified study in a curricular topic or an opportunity to study in areas other than those elsewhere defined in the curriculum. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Availability: Professor Interest

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  • ARTV 4102 - Selected Topics in Art

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    A professor-selected topic course, which provides students amplified study in a curricular topic or an opportunity to study in areas other than those elsewhere defined in the curriculum. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Availability: Professor Interest

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  • ARTV 4103 - Selected Topics in Art

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A professor-selected topic course, which provides students amplified study in a curricular topic or an opportunity to study in areas other than those elsewhere defined in the curriculum. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Availability: Professor Interest

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  • ART 4133 - Philosophy of Art Education

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Survey of the evolution of art education, with an emphasis on aesthetics and art criticism, and a study of problems related to art education on the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. Art education majors only.

    Availability: On Demand

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  • ART 4143 - Ceramics II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Provides opportunity to specialize in wheel-throwing or other methods of ceramic production using either earthenware or stoneware clay and glazes. Emphasis on production of larger and more complex forms. May not be audited; must be taken for credit.

    Prerequisite: Either ART 2143 , ART 3023 , or ART 3123  
    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4243 - Crafts II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Hands-on experiences involving materials, techniques, and expressive qualities of one or more major crafts, include, but not limited to, weaving, stitchery, appliqué, tie-dye, batik, printmaking, and ceramics. Directs student toward development of personal style and expression. May not be audited; must be taken for credit.

    Prerequisite: ART 3143  
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4253 - Stained Glass II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to the creative possibilities of leaded stained glass making, with the emphasis on practical application resulting in finished examples of the craft. Students are required to use original designs rather than relying on patterns designed by others.

    Prerequisite: ART 3253 
    Availability: Spring
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4480 - Senior Art Show

    0 Credit Hour(s)
    A course to document through a senior show an art or art education major’s completion of all graduation requirements leading to the awarding of a bachelor’s degree.

    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ART 4512 - History of Graphic Design

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    A survey of the history of Graphic Design, including the stylistic influences, the cultural influences, and the cultural outcomes of design campaigns, according to historical period and timeline.

    Availability: Fall

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  • ART 4523 - Typography

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Introduction to typography, including letterforms, nomenclature, type classifications and the creation of graphic design solely with type.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4533 - Corporate Identity

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The examination of the history and types of logos and the importance of corporate identity systems and branding. The design of several kinds of logos as well as a stationery package design along with other promotional items; the establishment of a standards manual for consistency in logo treatment.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 
    Availability: Odd Falls
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4543 - Multimedia II

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Advanced instruction in multimedia content creation using Adobe softeware.

    Prerequisite: ART 3543  
    Availability: Fall
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4653 - Label and Package Design

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Branding as it relates to label and package design. Students will invent various products and create label and package designs based on the unique selling points of their fictional products.

    Prerequisite: ART 2513 , ART 2523 , ART 4523 
    Availability: Odd Springs
    Art Fee

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  • ART 4713 - Internship in Art

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An academically planned and supervised internship experience in the student’s field of interest.

    Prerequisite: Art major or minor, junior or senior, minimum 3.0 in all courses, interview, and permission of Art Department.
    Availability: On Demand

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  • ARTV 4811 - Independent Project in Art

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Prerequisite: Approval by the dean of the school is required.
    Additional Course Fee: $250 per credit hour.

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  • ARTV 4812 - Independent Project in Art

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Prerequisite: Approval by the dean of the school is required.
    Additional Course Fee: $250 per credit hour.

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  • ARTV 4813 - Independent Project in Art

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Student-proposed project involving the study of a limited subject area described in a learning contract negotiated by the student with a faculty member who accepts responsibility for guidance and evaluation. ART major or minor, minimum 3.0 GPA in all courses.

    Prerequisite: Approval by the dean of the school is required.
    Additional Course Fee: $250 per credit hour.

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  • ART 4823 - Graphic Design III

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Advanced individualized study with the goal of portfolio and/or resume building in one of the following areas: Graphic Design, Digital Illustration, or Multimedia depending on which area of prerequisites the student has completed. Note: Capstone portfolio development class. Should only be taken during the student’s senior year, preferably the last semester. Graphic Design majors only.

    Prerequisite: One of the following: ART 3513 , ART 3523 , or ART 4543  
    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Art Fee

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Athletic Training

  • ATR 1001 - Principles of Athletic Training

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    One-credit course required for admission into the Athletic Training Program. This course is designed to expose the student to the profession of athletic training, including history, governance, scholarship, and practice settings. Additional topics include preparticipation physical examinations.


    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 1003 - CPR and First Aid

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A course for studying principles of emergency care. Successful completion results in CPR/AED certification.  Additional topics include traumatic brain injury, spine-boarding, musculoskeletal trauma, airway management, and other medical conditions. This course is required for admission into the Athletic Training Program.

    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Fee required

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  • ATR 2013 - Introduction to Athletic Training

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An introduction to the care and prevention of athletic injuries, including taping/wrapping skills, recognition of injuries, treatment and rehabilitation.


    Availability: Fall/Spring
    Fee required

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  • ATR 3011 - Therapeutic Modalities Laboratory

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This one-credit hour laboratory course is a hands-on, practical experience in the use of therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation equipment for the treatment of injuries. It is a laboratory course designed to complement ATR 3013 .

    Prerequisite: ATR 2013 
    Corequisite: ATR 3013 
    Availability: Fall

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  • ATR 3013 - Therapeutic Modalities

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Theoretical foundation and application of therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation equipment used in the clinical treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Includes the study of the physiological effects, indications and contraindications of each form of treatment.


    Prerequisite: ATR 2013  
    Corequisite: ATR 3011  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ATR 3023 - General Medical Conditions and Medical Terminology

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    In this course we will identify general medical conditions in the athlete and will learn how to differentiate between them during medical assessments. Students will learn how to perform a clinical examination to assess a patient for illnesses, conditions, and diseases that may be incurred during participation in athletics. The conditions covered in this course will include respiratory illness, cardiovascular conditions, dermatological conditions, infectious diseases, and systematic disorders. The medical terminology component of this course will include a detailed overview of the medical terms and abbreviations commonly used by healthcare professionals.

    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 3101 - Upper Extremity Assessment Laboratory

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This one-credit laboratory course is a hands-on, practical experience in evaluating injuries and musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the upper body. It is a laboratory course designed to complement ATR 3103.


    Prerequisite: ATR 2013 , BIO 2283 / BIO 2281  
    Corequisite: ATR 3103  
    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 3103 - Orthopedic Assessment of the Upper Extremities

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A classroom and practical study in clinical evaluation of upper body injuries and illnesses commonly sustained by athletes. Emphasis on proper evaluation for the purposes of (1) accurate diagnosis, (2) administering proper first aid and emergency care, and (3) making appropriate referrals to physicians.

    Prerequisite: ATR 2013 , BIO 2283 / BIO 2281 
    Corequisite: ATR 3101 
    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 3111 - Lower Extremity Assessment Laboratory

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This one-credit laboratory course is a hands-on, practical experience in evaluating injuries and musculoskeletal injuries and conditions of the lower body. It is a laboratory course designed to complement ATR 3113.


    Prerequisite: ATR 2013 , BIO 2283 / BIO 2281  
    Corequisite: ATR 3113  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ATR 3113 - Orthopedic Assessment of the Lower Extremities

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study in clinical evaluation of lower body injuries and conditions commonly sustained by athletes. Emphasis on proper evaluation for the purposes of (1) accurate diagnosis, (2) administering proper acute care and rehabilitation, and (3) making appropriate referrals. Analysis of gait and posture are also covered in this course.


    Prerequisite: ATR 2013 , BIO 2283 / BIO 2281  
    Corequisite: ATR 3111  
    Availability: Fall

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  • ATR 4193 - Healthcare Administration & Leadership

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Develop leadership skills within athletic training to form and maintain effective relationships within medical and other health professions. Planning, organizing, and managing the use of athletic training facilities including budgeting and operations. Evaluation of the duties and problems of administering an athletic training clinical practice, including professional responsibilities and ethics.


    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • ATR 4211 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 1

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This first of six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ATR 4222 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 2

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    This second of six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum - 150 maximum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the AthleticTraining Program
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ATR 4303 - Pharmacology in Sports Medicine

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Emphasis on legal and illegal drug use in athletics. Topics will include (1) pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, (2) indications, contraindications, and effects of commonly used non-prescription and prescription medications, (3) ergogenic aids and the use of illegal substances in athletes.


    Prerequisite: BIO 2283 , BIO 2293  
    Availability: Odd Falls

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  • ATR 4313 - Seminar in Athletic Training

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A comprehensive review of the content areas of athletic training and contemporary issues in sports medicine. Topics include evidence-based practice; prevention of injuries & illnesses; recognition, evaluation, and clinical diagnosis of injuries and medical conditions; emergency care; treatment and rehabilitation of injuries; administration; and professional responsibilities  . Students will develop individualized education plans to enter the profession of athletic training and advanced studies.


    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor required
    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 4321 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation Laboratory

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    This one-credit laboratory course is a hands-on, practical experience for learning manual therapy, proprioceptive exercise, therapeutic exercise, range of motion techniques, and functional activities for the rehabilitation of injuries common to athletes.


    Prerequisite: ATR 2013  , HHP 3233  
    Corequisite: ATR 4323  
    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 4323 - Therapeutic Rehabilitation

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    Essentials of a rehabilitation program, physical examination, principles of therapeutic exercise, muscle re-education, techniques of rehabilitation, and special therapeutic techniques.

    Prerequisite: ATR 3103 /ATR 3101 , ATR 3113 /ATR 3111 , HHP 3233 
    Corequisite: ATR 4321 
    Availability: Spring

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  • ATR 4333 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 3

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The third six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum - 150 maximum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ATR 4343 - Research Methods in Athletic Training

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A foundational course to equip the student in research methods specific to athletic training and health science, including searching and reviewing the literature, study design, software applications, writing, and presenting. Emphasis is given to evidence-based practice.


    Availability: Even Falls

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  • ATR 4443 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 4

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    The fourth of six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum - 150 maximum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program.
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ATR 4453 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 5

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This fifth of six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum - 150 maximum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program.
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • ATR 4462 - Clinical Practice in Athletic Training 6

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    This sixth of six Clinical Practice courses focuses on transitioning theory into clinical practice. Classroom simulation and skill instruction are complemented by supervised clinical experiences providing students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills to the daily practice and responsibilities of the athletic trainer (50 minimum - 150 maximum clinical hours). This course consists of clinical rotations under the direct supervision of a clinical preceptor(s) for experiences with lower extremity, upper extremity, general medical, sport and non-sport conditions and equipment-intensive experience.

    Prerequisite: Accepted into the professional phase of the Athletic Training Program.
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • HHP 1031 OL - Freediving Level 1

    1 Credit Hour(s)
    Prerequisite is swimming ability. Level 1 basic skills and techniques used in freediving. 2 Required Zooms: Week 2 & 6 W 6-7 PM ET (Special Fee)

    Availability: Fall/Spring/Summer

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  • HHP 2042 - Pilates Conditioning and Alignment

    2 Credit Hour(s)
    This course provides students with the knowledge and skill to increase and maintain strength and flexibility by utilizing the exercises that Joseph Pilates created. The class will provide a basic knowledge of anatomy, terminology, and body alignment, as well as serious uses of centering, breathing, stabilization, mobilization, and balance. The class will include Pre-Pilates, Pilates Mat, Post-Pilates, foam roller, as well as beginning exercises using the reformer, an apparatus Joseph Pilates created. The course can be modified to various fitness levels; each student will work at her/his appropriate level.

    Availability: Fall/Spring

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Biblical and Theological Studies

*See Children’s Ministries (CDM) Christian Community Development (CCD), Intercultural Studies (ICS), Ministry Leadership Studies (MLS), and Student Ministries (STM) for other School of Ministry course offerings.

  • BIB 1003 - Exploring the Bible

    3 Credit Hour(s)

    This course is designed to acquaint the student with the biblical metanarrative and to enhance the student’s appreciation of this narrative as both formative and normative for life. Exploration of the biblical metanarrative will include the stories and characters within the biblical text, with attention given to the interdependent relationships between the stories which connect to form the larger narrative. Focus will dwell on God’s interaction with humanity and God’s desire for a relationship with God’s creation, especially as demonstrated within the covenantal narrative. Attention will be given to the genre and form of the biblical text, to the theological content and intent drawn from the narrative, and to the meta-narrative’s present-day significance.

    Availability: On-ground: Fall/Spring [Day students should expect to take full-term rather than evening or online subterm sections of the course.]

    Online: Summer [Day students will be permitted to take the course online only during summer terms.]

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  • BIB 2063 - Introduction to Christian Thought

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A broad overview of the historic roots and development of Christian thought, identifying and describing historical Christian doctrines and significant Christian thinkers. Students will be acquainted with the teaching and practices of the Church for nearly 2,000 years.

    Prerequisite: BIB/MIN/EMIN 1003 Exploring the Bible
    Availability: Even Springs (Online Only, Subterm B)

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  • BIB 2213 - Introduction to Bible Study

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An introductory Bible study methods course designed for students who are not pursuing vocational ministry. Students will become acquainted with basic concepts and methods related to the study of Scripture.

    Prerequisite or Corequisite: E/MIN/ BIB 1003 - Exploring the Bible 
    Availability: Odd Springs (Online Only, Subterm B)

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  • BIB 3003 - Interpreting the Bible

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course is designed to teach students to recognize and develop valid interpretations and applications from the various sections of the Bible. The course will emphasize the methods and practice of scriptural interpretation.

    Prerequisite: BIB 1003  or HON 1003  
    Corequisite: ENG 1123  or HON 1033  
    Availability: On Demand

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  • BIB 3043 - Old Testament Prophecy and Prophets

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the prophets of ancient Israel and the prophetic books of the Old Testament. Particular attention is given to the historical, literary, sociological, and theological issues encountered when studying Old Testament Prophets.

    Prerequisite: BIB 3073  and BIB 3003 , or BIB 3233 - Interpreting the Old Testament , or Approval of Instructor
    Availability: Select Falls

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  • BIB 3073 - Exploring the Old Testament

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the content, background, genre, and canonicity of the Old Testament and its relationship to the entire biblical narrative. The focus is to acquaint the student with the central theme and personal application of each book.

    Prerequisite: BIB 1003 ;   is recommended
    Availability: On Demand

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  • BIB 3083 - Exploring the New Testament

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    This course is an investigation of the New Testament texts in their historical contexts with the goal of acquainting students with the background, content, and continued relevance of each text.

    Prerequisite: BIB 1003 ;   is recommended
    Availability: On Demand

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  • BIB 3143 - Philosophy of Religion

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A philosophical inquiry from a Christian worldview into such subjects as the nature of beliefs, arguments for and against the existence of God, the problem of the supernatural, the problem of evil, and the meaning of religious language.

    Prerequisite: BIB 3373  or approval of Instructor. Recommended:   NOTE: In a student’s educational plan, this course is best taken during the junior or senior year.
    Availability: Select Odd Falls

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  • BIB 3153 - Poetry & Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A literary, exegetical, and historical-critical study of the poetry/wisdom literature of the Old Testament.

    Prerequisite: BIB 3073  and BIB 3003 , or  BIB 3233 - Interpreting the Old Testament , or Approval of Instructor. NOTE: In a student’s educational plan, this course is best taken during the junior or senior year.
    Availability: Select Falls

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  • BIB 3173 - History of Christianity

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    An introduction to the history of Christianity covering the major people, movements, institutions, and events of the Church from its founding by Jesus Christ to the present. This course examines the unique ways Christianity has shaped and been shaped by its environment, the rich diversity of its expressions through the ages, and the significant purpose it fulfills in society and the world.

    Availability: Fall

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  • BIB 3243 - Interpreting the New Testament

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the content, background, and genres of the New Testament, emphasizing the development of skills for biblical interpretation.

    Prerequisite: BIB 1003  
    Corequisite: ENG 1123  
    Availability: Fall/Spring

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  • BIB 3373 - Evangelism & Apologetics

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the biblical and theological basis for evangelism and apologetics in contemporary ministry. The course includes an examination of the content of the gospel, the imperative of the Great Commission, the value of evidential and propositional apologetics, and strategies for evangelism and apologetics for individual Christians and churches.

    Availability: Even Falls

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  • BIB 3523 - The Intertestamental Period

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A survey of the historical, cultural, and religious perspectives that marked the culmination of Old Testament thought, and background for the development of early Christianity.

    Prerequisite:   and BIB 3003 , or  BIB 3233 - Interpreting the Old Testament , NOTE: In a student’s educational plan, this course is best taken during the junior or senior year.
    Availability: On Demand

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  • BIB 3533 - New Religious Movements

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the historical development and doctrinal distinctives of selected religious expressions that are seen as deviations from traditional religions, both Christian and non-Christian.

    Availability: Select Odd Falls

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  • BIB 3703 - Pentateuch

    3 Credit Hour(s)
    A study of the first five books of the Old Testament, giving attention to historical, literary, and theological issues.

    Prerequisite: BIB 3073  and BIB 3003 , or  BIB 3233 - Interpreting the Old Testament , or Approval of Instructor. NOTE: In a student’s educational plan, this course is best taken during the junior or senior year.
    Availability: Select Falls

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