Mar 31, 2025  
Graduate and Pharmacy Catalog 2022-2023 
Graduate and Pharmacy Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Development


Some ask, “Why do you have chapel at PBA?” Busy schedules coupled with the rigor of a full academic load leave many with little time to breathe, much less take another hour that might be better spent studying, working or resting. If we were just body and mind, the argument would be worth noting. The University believes, however, that God has made us body, mind and soul. Chapel deals with that “soulish” part of who we are. It is an exciting opportunity to meet with God, discover His wisdom and strength for our lives and experience His work on a personal and campus-wide level.

Each week students select from one of four chapel services. All services have the same focus and message, but four of the services highlight a contemporary worship format while one is more formal. Student participation is a hallmark of all chapel services. This participation can take many forms from “upfront roles” such as playing in the band on a praise and worship team or singing in a choir to “behind-the-scenes participation” on our creative team or prayer team, for example.

At the core of chapel is worship and spiritual formation built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and rooted in the Bible. The goal is to help the campus community experience a growing relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Chapel may be the means God uses to light a spark of spiritual interest in a student’s heart or to fan into a flame the fire that is already burning. The Chapel staff strives to keep chapel relevant, engaging and oriented in such a way as to build campus community.

All full-time (graduate and undergraduate) day students must attend chapel. Students must accumulate a minimum of 24 chapel credits during each year of enrollment. Completion of the 24 chapel credits during the year is a prerequisite for continued enrollment and graduation from PBA.

Student Consumer Information Guide

The information provided in this Consumer Information Guide is intended to meet the federal requirements set forth by the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA). Educational institutions are required to disclose specific consumer information about the school to current and prospective students. The following is a summary of such consumer information with references to additional details and reports. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, material, and data contained within this document, absolute accuracy is not guaranteed. Questions about the compilation of this document or its contents should be directed to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness at (561) 803-2055.


Main phone number:

(561) 803-2000 or toll free 888-468-6722

Street address:

901 South Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 24708 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-4708 


Updated: February 12, 2021

Campus Safety and Security Report

As part of the Annual Consumer Information Report, Palm Beach Atlantic University provides a campus security report containing:

  1. Statistical data on the occurrences of, as well as the number of arrests resulting from, certain criminal activities on campus. This report may be found here. PBA will provide a paper copy upon request. If you would like a copy of this report, you may call ext. 32500 or 803-2500 from off-campus.
  2. Current policy and procedure statements. This report is prepared by Campus Safety and Security.

Drug-Free Campus

In keeping with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of a controlled substance is strictly prohibited within the bounds of the Palm Beach Atlantic University campus or any properties leased or controlled by Palm Beach Atlantic University as well as at any PBA-sponsored activities or events.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy (Americans with Disabilities Act)

The University seeks to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as well as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 by affording reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. Students who have questions about their entitlement to benefits or who have grievances under these statutes should contact The Student Success Center, 2nd Floor of Lassiter Student Center. Call 561.803.2663, for an appointment with the Coordinator for Disability Services.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is considered to be a serious breach of proper conduct. Engaging in sexual harassment of employees or students is a violation of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical and expressive behavior of a sexual nature in which:

  • Submission to such conduct becomes a term or condition of an individual’s employment or education;
  • Submission to such conduct becomes a basis for academic or employment evaluation;
  • The conduct creates a hostile or demeaning employment or educational environment.

All students, staff, and faculty are responsible for helping to assure that the University is kept free of workplace harassment. Faculty or staff experiencing or witnessing workplace harassment should immediately notify the Director of Human Resources. If any faculty or staff member believes that he or she is being harassed by the Director of Human Resources, the complaint should be brought to the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Students should immediately notify the Student Development office if they are experiencing or witnessing harassment. If any student believes that he or she is being harassed by a faculty or staff member, the complaint should be brought to the office of Human Resources.

Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against anyone found to have violated this policy. Persons reporting incidents of sexual harassment, assault, or violence will be treated with care, concern, and confidentiality. Support, assistance, and counseling are available.

Dining Services

A University life is about the life of the mind and soul. And a whole lot more. Our Dining service offers an atmosphere where you can socialize, relax and enjoy dining at the Fresh Food Company (FFC) in Fraser Dining Hall. FFC provides for a variety of tastes from traditional home-style favorites to pasta, vegetarian and vegan options. The grill station, omelette station, Mongolian Asian Grill, Red Hot Chef station, and the vegetarian station offer made-to-order options. And the produce and salad bar station, as well as the soups, fresh bread, deli, and dessert stations offer self-serve options. FFC is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

For your convenience, ARAMARK offers several meal plan options for both residents and commuters; the All Access 5 and All Access 7 meal plans allow students to come into FFC as many times per day as needed, for either five or seven days a week. Block meal plans allow students to pre-purchase a block of meals. Both types of plans may include declining balance funds to use in Einstein’s, Chick-fil-A and the POD, in addition to the FCC. Our priority is to satisfy you by providing a safe, nutritious, fun, and exciting dining program. A Meal Plan is required for students who live in PBA residence halls. Money can be added to your ID card for convenient cashless transactions, and with a meal plan you also have Declining Balance cash you can use at any location. Catering is also available for students, and a Budget Series Menu is in the planning for students and faculty and staff. Please visit the Tuition & Fees  page for detailed meal plan information.

Other dining options at PBA include:

  • POD (our convenience store), has a lot to offer for on–the-go items: salads, sandwiches, a panini grill to press and heat your sandwich, snacks, including gluten free snacks, and plenty more.
  • Einstein’s in the Warren Library offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late night snacks with a variety of bagels, signature salads, coffee, pastries, and much more.
  • Chick-fil-A (CFA) is located in the Green Complex and offers CFA chicken sandwiches, salads, lemonade, and milk shakes. CFA is open for breakfast, serving a variety of items for your choosing such as Mini Chicken Biscuits and hash browns. CFA is also open for lunch and dinner, as well as scheduled games for the Sports Center.
  • RAC Concession Stand offers hot dogs, pretzels, nachos and snacks at the Rinker Athletic Campus.

Note: Dining options are limited during the Summer Semester.

For more information, please see our site at for additional information, or you may contact us at 561.803-2875 for questions about our program.

Grievance Policy (Non-Academic Complaint)

A non-academic complaint is any alleged injustice including unfair treatment, error, or behavior inconsistent with University policies, mission or values. Complaints regarding harassment or discrimination will be addressed by the Office of Human Resources.

General Guidelines for Informal Resolution

In most cases, concerns can be resolved through informal processes that begin with the student and the department or office involved by following the steps outlined below. Students may choose, however, not to utilize the informal process and file a written formal complaint from the outset of their concerns which will be described in the following section.

Informal Process:

  1. Discuss the matter with the faculty or staff member in the department or office in which the issue originated.
  2. If the issue is not resolved, next contact the department chair or administrative office supervisor to attempt a resolution.
  3. If the issue remains unresolved, next contact the appropriate dean’s office or administrative assistant/associate vice president. 

General Guidelines for Formal Complaints

If a student’s concern remains unresolved after exhausting informal processes for resolution, the student may choose to file a written statement of his/her complaint to seek official documentation and resolution of the issue(s). The sections below describe procedures for written complaints. All departments and programs shall keep written logs and copies of all documents related to formal complaints received. Complaint logs shall note the nature of the complaint, the final resolution of the issue, and the date of resolution.

Formal Process:

  1. The student completes a written explanation of the concern or appeal to the appropriate office.
  2. The complaint must include the student’s name and contact information, and a description of the circumstances, including the parties involved to date and the current status of the situation.
  3. The supervisor will review the student’s complaint and provide a written acknowledgment within ten business days.
  4. The written complaint will be logged for internal processing; however, it will not become a part of the student’s official record.
  5. If the resolution with the supervisor proves unsatisfactory to the student, he/she may take the complaint to the Director, academic or non-academic Dean, Vice President or designee in writing. It is the student’s responsibility to demonstrate that he/she has already communicated with the staff member’s immediate supervisor. Any complaint that has not followed the prescribed steps will be referred back to the appropriate staff member. 
  6. In the event that the complaint is directly related to the Director, non-academic Dean, Vice President or designee, the complaint will be forwarded to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration.
  7. The Senior Vice President or designee will review the student’s complaint and provide a written response.
  8. In the event that the complaint is directly related to the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, the complaint will be forwarded to the Provost.
  9. The Provost will review the student’s complaint and provide a final written response.

If the student is not satisfied with the institution’s complaint process you may contact:

State Contacts

a) Equitable Services Ombudsman



b) If the Ombudsman is unable to assist you, contact Office of Articulation within the Department of Education.


Out of State Students

Who have completed the internal institutional and applicable state grievance procedures may appeal the complaint to the Council at

Health and Wellness (Campus Health Services)

Health and Wellness is comprised of three primary services: a collection of the required health forms upon enrollment, management of the university’s student health insurance plan, and providing mental health support to PBA students through the University Counseling Center. As a ministry to the Palm Beach Atlantic University community, our mission is to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being. Our desire is to provide services from a Christ-centered perspective, enabling each member to fulfill academic, personal, and spiritual goals.

Required Health Forms:
•    All new Graduate/Pharmacy/DNP students must submit a Health Information Form and TB Risk Screening Forms.*
•    If you are enrolled in an Online Degree Program and will not be attending classes on campus, you are not required to turn in any health forms.

*Your program (i.e. Pharmacy and DNP) will have additional requirements, and you will be required to upload health forms to your program’s online portal to meet rotation requirements.

All forms must be uploaded to the student portal Health forms that are faxed, emailed, or submitted in-person will not be accepted. Students who are accepted in the fall should submit their health forms prior to August 1st, and students who are accepted for the spring semester should submit health forms prior to December 1st.  Please keep a copy of all health forms for your records.

Orlando Campus Students: There are no health form requirements and no health center services at the Orlando campus.

Required Health Insurance: All full-time students are required to show proof of health insurance

Palm Beach Atlantic University is pleased to offer any full-time student an affordable health insurance plan, including undergraduate, graduate, evening, international, and Ph.D. students. All full-time students are required to provide proof of current and acceptable health insurance coverage each academic year. It is important to note that even if students have their own insurance plan, they still must complete the waiver process. Students who do not waive the health insurance by the deadline date (fall semester = September 18th; spring semester = January 15th) are automatically enrolled and billed for the student health plan. To find details about the school endorsed health insurance plan or to complete a waiver request, please visit Students planning to waive the school-endorsed plan must be certain that their current health insurance meets the following criteria:

  1. The plan is provided by a company licensed to do business in the United States with (a) a U.S. claim payment office, (b) a U.S. telephone number, (c) plan literature available in English, and (d) benefits provided in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  2.  The plan provides In-patient care and Outpatient care (including office visits, including Behavioral Health care) within a 50-mile radius of Campus (if residing in West Palm Beach or Orlando). Coverage for Emergency only care does not satisfy this requirement.
  3. The plan provides unlimited medical benefits per sickness or injury. Insurance that fails to cover or limits coverage for pre-existing conditions is NOT acceptable.
  4. My coverage will remain in effect for all semesters in which I am enrolled for the 2021-2022 academic year.

International Students: All students are required to have health insurance, regardless of part-time/full-time status.

Pharmacy Students: All students are required to have health insurance, regardless of part-time/full-time status.

Nursing Students: All students are required to have health insurance, regardless of part-time/full-time status.

Ph.D. - Students taking three or more credit hours are required to have health insurance.

Hours and Contact Information: The Health & Wellness office is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call the Health & Wellness office at 561.803.2576 or visit the PBA Health and Wellness website at For medical or mental health emergencies after hours, call Campus Safety & Security at 561.803.2500 or call 911.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center provides confidential mental health services to traditional, daytime undergraduate students at no cost for up to six sessions per semester. A one-time consultation session is offered to Evening, Graduate, and Pharmacy students (if a crisis session is warranted, the Counseling Center staff will provide the crisis session and then refer the student to another provider). The Counseling Center is staffed by two Licensed Mental Health Counselors, as well as graduate student interns from the Counselor Education Program. Students seek assistance for a variety of reasons including: difficulty transitioning to college, depression, anxiety, relationship and family issues, disordered eating and body image concerns, abuse, spiritual concerns, identity issues, etc.

Counseling hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. For emergency assistance after hours, call Campus Safety and Security 561.803.2500 or call 911. For more information, call the Counseling Center at 561.803.2563 or email

Orlando Campus Students: For information on local referrals for counseling services, please call 407-226-5955.


The mailroom is located in the Lassiter Student Center. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Mailroom personnel are available to assist with UPS, FedEx packages and USPS mail services with weighing and stamping of packages and letters. Shipping supplies such as boxes, envelopes, packing tape and bubble wrap are also available.

Sailfish Services

Sailfish Services offers students, parents and employees one central location to take care of many administrative needs. Here, students can go to accomplish the “business” of being in school such as payments, forms, and transcripts; faxing and scanning documents; network password troubleshooting; Free Notary Service; and account information look-up without running around campus.

Sailfish Services strives to provide Fast-Incredible-Service-Here (FISH). The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., in its convenient location at 900 S. Dixie Highway. Representatives may be reached at 561.803.2000 or

  • Call Center: As the first point of contact for callers, Sailfish Services answers the main telephone numbers for the University including Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Admissions, and the Registrar’s Office.
  • Commencement: Sailfish Services assists with and provides information regarding commencement, graduation ticket purchase and regalia ordering.
  • Departmental Deposits: Sailfish Services processes deposits of monies collected by the various departments throughout the campus for deliver to the Business Office. Sailfish Services representatives serve as cashiers for the campus community accepting cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards.
  • Faxing/Scanning: Sailfish Services will fax and scan documents for students for free. Students may also receive faxes at 561-803-2186 and they will be forwarded to the student’s PBA email.
  • Federal Work Study Payroll: Students may pick up their monthly Federal Work Study payroll checks in the conveniently located Sailfish Services office.
  • Financial Aid: Sailfish Services answers questions in regard to student financial aid awards.
  • Forms: At Sailfish Services students may pick up and/or return Change of Address/ Name/Phone/E-mail forms, and many other forms regarding academic requests, such as duplicate diploma orders.
  • General/Event Information: Sailfish Services answer questions regarding events on campus, provides driving directions and department sponsor contact information.
  • Network Password Reset: Sailfish Services can assist students and alumni with resetting their network password for accessing email and myPBA.
  • Notary Services: Sailfish Services provides this service for free to PBA students, guests and employees. All that is needed is a photo ID and the unsigned document that needs to be notarized.
  • PBACard Questions: Sailfish Services assists with placing money on students PBACard accounts and reviewing current balances. Commuter meal plans may also be purchased and added to PBACards.
  • Registration: Sailfish Services assists students with registration issues such as answering questions about the online registration process, explaining registration holds, and printing copies of schedules.
  • Student Account Payments: Sailfish Services accepts cash and check tuition payments to be deposited into student accounts. Tuition payments made with credit or debit cards must be submitted online at
  • Student Account Questions: Sailfish Services answers questions about student accounts and can print copies of bills. Students may also view their account details online at myPBA.
  • Transcripts: Students may request official and unofficial PBA transcripts at Sailfish Services. Official transcripts may also be ordered online at

Student Accounts

Student Accounts is located on the first floor of Sachs Hall, to the right of the main entrance. Office personnel are available to assist students and parents with:

  • Addressing detailed student billing inquiries;
  • Arranging for use of approved monthly payment plans; and
  • Sending letters and answering questions regarding employer reimbursement programs.

Please see the Student Accounts – Financial Policies and Services  section of this catalog for more information.

Student Development

At Palm Beach Atlantic University, Student Development is designed to support the academic mission of the University, foster student learning inside the classroom and outside the classroom, and develop the student holistically. We provide programs, services, and activities that help students grow and develop intellectually, spiritually, physically, and socially within the context of a Christian community. Student Development includes the Office of Career Development, Health & Wellness, Residence Life, Student Accountability, Student Success Center University Counseling Center, and Workship.

Student Services

The following services are available to all Main Campus students, as well as Wellington Campus students, where applicable. All students may benefit from electronic access to these services, such as Health and Wellness, Sailfish Services, Technology Support, and the Writing Center, as well as electronic resources and research assistance through the Warren Library, regardless of campus affiliation.

Orlando Campus: Orlando Campus staff is available to answer questions and provide help with payments, billings, accounts, financial aid documents and refunds, change of address or personal information, schedules, PBACards, registration adjustments, and to direct students to resources regarding advising, degree requirements, academic support, financial aid, and disability support services.

Wellington Campus: Students, faculty and staff at the Wellington Campus will be able to access the resources available to users of the Warren Library located at the main West Palm Beach PBA campus. This includes borrowing materials, electronic resources and research assistance. For more information regarding Wellington Campus services, please call 561.803.2850.

*Services marked with an asterisk are available only at the Main Campus.

Automatic Deposit Machines (ADM)*

ADM Machines are located in the Lassiter Student Center, Einstein’s, and the Greene Sports Complex. These machines can be utilized to place money on a student’s PBACard, which can be used on Campus in the laundry room, vending machines, Campus Store, all food service locations, and select copiers and printers. These funds are NOT available for off-campus use. Please call the PBACard Office with any questions at 561.803.2515.

Campus Recreation*

Campus Recreation offers quality programs and services that enhance wellness through the promotion of healthy lifestyle and activity. Campus Recreation provides a safe environment to enhance sportsmanship, leadership, and quality of life for the campus community. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are able to take advantage of a variety of recreation activities, fitness programs, special events and fitness services. The goal of the Department of Campus Recreation is to offer quality and enjoyable recreation programs and services in a Christian environment.

Programs and Services provided by Campus Recreation include:

  • Indoor Facility - Greene Complex: Inside the 65,000-square-foot Greene Complex are the Mahoney Gymnasium, Rubin Arena, Racquetball Courts, Jogging Track, Athletics Offices and a state-of-the-art Fitness Center. The Fitness Center is on the second floor of the Greene Complex for Sports and Recreation. The Greene Complex hours are available on the Campus Recreation homepage and on myPBA.
  • Outdoor Facility - Marshall and Vera Lee Rinker Athletic Campus: The home of all Sailfish Athletics varsity outdoor sports, the Marshall and Vera Lea Rinker Athletic Campus is located only 1.8 miles from PBA’s downtown West Palm Beach main campus site. A 76-acre property along Interstate-95, the facility includes two softball fields, one baseball field, a varsity soccer/lacrosse field, three practice soccer/lacrosse fields, thirteen tennis courts, three beach volleyball courts, two basketball courts and a cross country course.
  • Intramural Program: The intramural program offers fun-first competition in traditional sports. Each semester a variety of sports activities are offered for students, faculty and staff to participate. Sports vary by semester but include some of your favorites like volleyball, flag football, basketball, softball, and soccer.
  • Fitness Program: This program is comprised of personal training, group fitness classes, wellness programs and fitness incentives. Fitness incentives are specially designed programs to incorporate fun in fitness activities with the added benefit of prizes at the end. A full schedule of group fitness classes is available throughout the week. Group Exercise classes may include Pilates, Core Crunch, Latin Dance, Yoga and Spin cycling classes, among many others. The schedule of classes, personal training information and services is available on myPBA and at the Greene Complex informational board.
  • Club Sports: Current clubs offered are Men’s Lacrosse (Nationally ranked), Women’s Lacrosse, PBA Spirit Squads (Cheerleading and Dance Teams) and Rowing (new in 2014). More information on Club Sports is available at
  • Special Events: Special events are the most anticipated activities offered each year. Events like kayaking, nutrition programs, snorkeling and video game tournaments are offered at various times each semester. More information can be found at the Green Complex front desk.
Campus Recreation is PBA’s largest student employment department. Students are employed as sports officials, group exercise instructors, personal trainers, member service attendants, fitness attendants and building managers. Vacancies are posted at the Greene Complex. To apply for a position with Campus Recreation visit PBA’s Joblink website for an application.

People may also find information regarding Campus Recreation on the Campus Recreation Home Page. The Campus Recreation Office is located on the first floor of the Greene Complex for Sports & Recreation. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are required to show PBA ID each time they use the facility.

Campus Safety and Security*

Faculty, Staff and Students all have an interest in preserving a safe learning and living environment on our campus. The campus is patrolled by Department of Campus Safety and Security officers seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Campus Safety and Security officers conduct investigations and work closely with the West Palm Beach Police Department in the event of any criminal activity on campus.

The Department of Campus Safety and Security is located at 1301 South Olive Avenue, in the old Admissions building on the south side of the main campus.

The Campus Safety and Security office telephone number is 561.803.2500. The following services are provided to the PBA community through the Department of Campus Safety and Security:

  • Patrol Division 24 hours/7 days/365
  • Escort Services around the clock
  • Lost and Found
  • Victim Assistance
  • Parking Services
  • Community Education
  • Defensive Tactics Instruction and Active Shooter training classes
  • Lock, Key, and Access Control/Emergency Phones and Call Boxes
  • Crisis Management Hurricane/Emergency Preparedness
  • Liaison with Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement

The Campus Store

The Campus Store, located on the first floor of Oceanview Hall, is open year round. Students can view hours of operation, shop online and check course requirements by visiting the Campus Store on the web at The Campus Store stocks required and recommended course materials in addition to helpful reference materials, study aids, Bibles and devotional books.  Buyback of course material for available year round. The Campus Store is the on-campus source for University apparel, spirit gear, technology items, snacks, drinks, basic first aid supplies, and sundry items. The Campus Store accepts cash, most major credit cards and general funds on the PBACard.  You can reach your Campus Store at 561.803.2180.

Purchasing Course Materials Using Financial Aid Funds

Students may use their pending Financial Aid credit to purchase course materials via their PBACard. To do so students must first visit the Student Accounts page on myPBA to transfer funds to their PBACard. Once the funds are available on the card, students may use their PBACard to make purchases at the Campus Store, both online and in the store.

Online and Orlando Campus Students

Online students may rent or purchase course materials, view hours of operation, shop online and check course requirements by visiting the Campus Store on the web at, using student tab or through their Canvas page. Course materials may be shipped directly to students or picked up in store.

Financial Aid Funds

Students may use their pending Financial Aid credit to purchase textbooks via their PBACard. To do so, students must first visit the Student Accounts page on myPBA to transfer funds to their PBACard. Once the funds are available on the card, students may use their PBACard to make purchases at The Campus Store, both online and on the main campus.

Career Development

The Office of Career Development provides assistance to all students and alumni in career planning, job placement and graduate school preparation. Career planning is a holistic process that involves a variety of programs and principles. Students are encouraged to seek God’s direction throughout their career and life planning process. Since this is an on-going process, students should begin their career exploration during their first year with evaluation/assessment and ending in their final year with the transition into the employment or graduate school arena. The Office of Career Development is located on the first floor of the Lassiter Student Center. Appointments can be made by calling 561-803-2060 or emailing

Student Success Center

The Student Success Center (SSC) is dedicated to providing assistance to all university students so that they may make the most of their educational experience. Located on the second floor of the Lassiter Student Center, we operate Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students may schedule an appointment by calling 561.803.2063.

Academic Support: Through our 24/7 online Smarthinking tutorial program, the Student Success Center provides online tutorial assistance for our undergraduate evening and non-traditional students. Access to this service is obtained through a single sign-on process on myPBA for help in many academic subjects, including math and writing, and in academic skills.

Disability Services: Palm Beach Atlantic University is committed to providing approved accommodations for every enrolled student, who is registered with the Disabilities Services office as a student with a disability (SWD). These provisions are made under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. University policy provides for reasonable accommodations to be made for SWD on an individual basis, and it is the responsibility of SWD to seek available assistance and make their needs known to the Assistant Director of the Student Success Center  for Academic Support. In order to determine accommodations for special needs, students are required to submit a professional assessment that legitimizes the request for accommodations.

Warren Library

The Warren Library, located on the West Palm Beach campus, provides a collection of more than 180,000 book, media, and periodical holdings, all accessible either online or via check out. Online, Orlando, and Wellington Campus students can access library resources online at or by calling 561.803.2226 to have library materials shipped directly to their home. The resources of other libraries are available through interlibrary loan. Online library services require the use of a PalmNet ID and password.