Jan 22, 2025  
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2017-2018 
Undergraduate Day Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


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Timothy Ladd, Ed.D., Director of Education Programs, Department Chair



  • Cheryl Serrano, Ph.D., ESOL Coordinator
  • Emery Twoey, Ed.D.

Associate Professors

  • Chelly Templeton, Ed.D.
  • Timothy Ladd, Ed.D.


The mission of the Department of Education is to prepare highly competent pre-service elementary, secondary, and all-level (K-12 Physical Education, Art, and Music) teachers for diverse classrooms through academic and clinical experiences. The education department of Palm Beach Atlantic University is committed to the integration of faith into the curriculum. PBA provides an education that values scholarship, discipleship, servant-leadership, and stewardship. As a Christian university, Palm Beach Atlantic University emphasizes the highest level of moral and ethical standards.

The undergraduate education program offers professional preparation leading to a degree and certification for all teaching fields listed in the section on “Teacher Education Programs.”

Special features of the Teacher Education Program at Palm Beach Atlantic include:

  • Small methods and theory class sizes (10:1 in methods courses).
  • State certified teacher preparation programs: elementary school or high school
  • Two semesters of elementary clinical internship - Residency I, Palm Beach County Public Schools, Residency II, Christian or private schools.
  • Successful history of job placement of graduates
  • Outstanding faculty
  • Prestigious reputation in the local public and private school systems
  • Commitment to excellence.

The School of Education and Behavioral Studies offers majors in elementary, secondary and all-level education (Art, Music, and Physical Education). Students who are interested in teaching at the secondary level must pursue a major in a subject area in addition to the major in secondary education.


All students must pass this screening according to procedures identified by the School District of Palm Beach County in order to be enrolled in courses offered by the Department of Education that require the students to be in the schools (K-12). The student is advised that any break in enrollment, with the exception of summer terms, will result in the repetition of the fingerprint screening. All students must have a social security number or other acceptable Palm Beach County School District documentation in order to be fingerprinted. Documentation of fingerprinting and a recent badge must be submitted to the Teacher Education Committee and to instructors of courses with field experience. Fingerprinting fees are the responsibility of the student.

Teacher Education Programs

State-Approved Programs

The Title II Institutional Report Card shows a 100% pass rate on the Florida Teacher Certification examination for students graduating from all of the state-approved programs. Palm Beach Atlantic University offers programs approved by the Florida State Department of Education for the preparation of teachers in the following areas:

Elementary Education

  • Elementary K-6/with ESOL Endorsement.

Secondary Education

  • English (6-12) w/ ESOL Endorsement
  • Mathematics (6-12)

K-12 Programs

  • Art (K-12)
  • Music Education (K-12)
  • Physical Education (K-12)

To be eligible for certification for teaching in any of these fields, a student must complete one of the above programs approved by the Florida Department of Education and pass the appropriate Florida Teacher Certification Examinations. Certification for teaching is obtained through the Florida Department of Education after graduation. The University will provide assistance in obtaining certification and employment for the graduate. All elementary education majors and english/secondary education majors will receive the state-mandated ESOL endorsement upon completion of the Professional ESOL Infused program.  

The student is advised that all appropriate state exams (FTCE) must be passed in order to apply to student teach and to graduate from a state-approved program. Exams must be passed in General Knowledge (GK),  Professional Education (PED), and in the student’s major (Subject Area Exam). Exam fees are the responsibility of the student.

The elementary education student is advised if all graduation requirements are met and the student successfully completes EDU 4393, Reading Practicum, the student is eligible to apply for the reading endorsement at the time of application for state licensure.

The Dean of the School of Education and Behavioral Studies provides the leadership and is responsible for maintaining a strong teacher preparation program. This individual will relate the state’s teacher education guidelines to the academic program of the University and will assist the faculty in developing curricula.

The objectives of the program are:

  • To provide an environment and the tools to develop godly character and pursue academic excellence and personal integrity in all areas.
  • To provide a foundation in the liberal arts that develops the competencies of a free individual capable of rational independent judgment;
  • To provide a framework of professional attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to enable the pre-professional to develop into a highly competent teacher and;
  • To provide the prospective teacher with field experience in teaching through Workship, subject-related classroom participation, and student teaching. As new laws related to teacher preparation are passed by state legislators, the School of Education and Behavioral Studies gives careful attention to the necessary program changes and adaptations that will meet the needs of the teacher education student. Florida State Department of Education requirements supersede any stated requirements in the Palm Beach Atlantic University Catalog.

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Certification

ACSI is a national benchmark of quality validated by peer review and systematic self-evaluation against national and internationally accepted Christian standards. This accreditation promotes on-going institutional improvement through a continuous process of self-assessment and systematic school/program development. PBAU offers ACSI Certification for all elementary education and secondary English education majors who began as a freshman or a transfer student. Education majors coming in with an AA Degree or students in any other teacher education program have the option to receive the certification by taking additional coursework.

Entrance Requirements for Teacher Education Programs

Degree-Seeking Students

Students will be admitted to the Teacher Education Program via a first screening conducted by the Teacher Education Committee. This approval is required in order for a student to proceed with any education courses requiring field experience.

First Screening Requirements

  1. Meet the following grade point averages achieved prior to application:
    • General Education 2.5 GPA
    • Overall Coursework 2.75 GPA
    • Minor 2.75 GPA
    • Major Coursework 2.5 GPASubmit documentation of passing scores on all sections of FTCE General Knowledge exam at time of application.
  2. Submit evidence of passing scores at time of application on all sections of the General Knowledge exam.
  3. Clear fingerprints (FDLE/FBI) and obtain a current Palm Beach County identification badge through Palm Beach County School District (additional fee).
  4. Demonstrate psychological, emotional, and social stability in addition to a professional and positive attitude. 
  5. Complete the first screening packet when criteria are met.
  6. Submit documentation of Florida Educator Accomplished Practice evidences completed in assigned courses and posted in electronic portfolio at the time of application
  7. Meet with advisor to review first screening packet by published deadline.

The Chair of the Teacher Education Committee shall forward all documentation to the Teacher Education Committee, and the student will be invited to the first screening interview. After intervew is completed the Teacher Education Committee will make one of the following decisions:

  1. Approval.
  2. Conditional approval.
  3. Denial with recommendation for student to reapply the following semester or to be counseled into a different program.

The Education faculty members, in cooperation with the Teacher Education Committee, will review the progress of all students who have been accepted into the program. This ongoing review will take place by midterm of each semester. A student may be placed on probationary status or removed from the program as a result of unsatisfactory review. Students are to be advised that the fingerprinting badge must be renewed each school year (additional fee), per Palm Beach County Schools mandate.

Requirements for Student Teaching

Second Screening Procedures

Students will be admitted to student teaching via a second screening conducted by the Teacher Education Committee. All criteria as listed for first screening must be continually demonstrated by students throughout the program. Students are eligible for probation and/or dismissal from the Teacher Education Program upon the decision of the Teacher Education Committee. Criteria for second screening are as follows:

  1. Satisfactorily complete all course work, Workship assignments, and Chapel credit prior to the time of application for second screening, with the exception of the courses in which the student is enrolled at the time of application.
  2. Satisfy and post in electronic portfolio all Florida Educator Accomplished Practices Required Evidences and Critical Assignments that are measured prior to student teaching.
  3. Have the following minimum grade point averages achieved prior to time of application:
    • Overall Coursework 2.75 GPA
    • Education Coursework 3.00 GPA
    • Coursework in second major, as applicable 2.75 GPA
    • Minor Coursework 2.75 GPA
    • General Education Coursework 2.50 GPA
    • Piano Proficiency (Music Education Majors only) PASS
    • Concert recital attendance (Music Education Majors only) PASS
  4. Demonstrate psychological, emotional, and social stability in addition to a professional and positive attitude. 
  5. Submit an application one semester prior to student teaching. (See Academic Calendar for deadline date.) Attach documents required in Second Screening packet. FEAP and critical assignment evidence documentation in assigned courses posted in electronic portfolio. Approval is contingent upon satisfactory completion of courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
  6. Submit evidence of passing scores at time of application on the following FTCE requirements: Professional Education Exam, and appropriate Subject Area Exam (SAE).
  7. Submit a copy of graduation audit letter.
  8. Meet with advisor to review second screening application at least one week prior to published deadline.
  9. Submit all application/documentation papers required by the Palm Beach County School District by published deadline dates. All student teaching assignments will be made in coordination with the Palm Beach County School District. Student teachers are responsible for their own transportation. Student teachers will report to classes the same day as the local public school system begins its pre-service session. Students planning to live in the dorm and student teach during either semester must make arrangements with the university’s Resident Director for early admittance on campus

State-Approved Program Graduates

  1. Students must complete a State-Approved Teacher Education Program including Student Teaching and the Student Teaching Seminar.
  2. All exit exams must be passed, including state (FTCE) and local requirements.
  3. Students must demonstrate mastery of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices through the Required Evidences accumulated throughout the program, including student teaching and all Critical Assignments completed during the program. These Accomplished Practices will have been evaluated through rubrics, exams, and observations and are recorded in the student’s electronic portfolio.
  4. Elementary education and secondary English education majors must demonstrate mastery of ESOL standards for the ESOL Endorsement.
  5. K-12 programs (Art, Music, Physical Education, and Math (6-12)) will have met the Florida Department of Education ESOL requirements upon successful completion of required ESOL courses. 

Alternative Program for Non-Degree-Seeking Students

Students holding baccalaureate degrees who do not plan to do student teaching through Palm Beach Atlantic University may enroll in education courses. These students will be responsible for corresponding directly with the Florida Department of Education in order to identify courses that must be taken in order to receive certification. They will be expected to demonstrate the same professional academic skills and attitudes during field experience as those students seeking certification through PBA’s state-approved programs.

Student Teaching in All-Level Programs

When a student desires to pursue an all-level program (Art, Music, and Physical Education), he/she must select at which level he/she desires to student teach. For those students selecting Exceptional Student Education (K-12) as a minor, the student teaching placement must be at the elementary level, as their major is Elementary Education (K-6). Each student in an all-level program will have an advisor who is a specialist in the respective subject area. Students are to meet with their Primary and Secondary Education Advisor prior to registering each semester.


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