Sep 16, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 
Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Theatre


Associate Professor

  • Allen McCoy, M.F.A

Assistant Professor

  • Dana White, Jr. M.F.A.
  • Trent Stephens, M.F.A. 

Production Staff

  • Becky Saunders
  • Tim Saunders


Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Theatre program at Palm Beach Atlantic University is to train students in the development of imaginative, purposeful, and skilled expression in the theatre, and to provide for their artistic, intellectual and spiritual growth. Its aim is to prepare students for career opportunities in professional entertainment, theatre, theatre production, performance, directing, and teaching, by studying and participating in all areas of theatre arts. An understanding of the history and literature of the theatre is foundational to the curriculum.

The program emphasizes excellence by an adherence to high academic and performance and production standards. It seeks to provide its students with a learning environment integrated with the liberal arts, proclaiming its dependency on and adherence to the Christian values and heritage of Palm Beach Atlantic University as specified in its Guiding Principles.

Programs of Study

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre (B.F.A.) degree is highly competitive and intended for students who seek to develop those skills, competencies, and general qualities that are essential to the life of the professional theatre artist. B.F.A. in Theatre majors are expected to seek the highest level of performance and technical competence, and demonstrate exceptional talent and potential for development in performing arts disciplines.

The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts (B.A.) degree is intended for those students who seek a thorough grounding in the literature and production , as well as opportunities for performance experiences within the traditional, broad-based liberal arts curriculum. The B.A. in Theatre Arts degree encourages students to declare a minor or second major outside theatre. The curriculum is less specified than the B.F.A. in Theatre curriculum to allow the opportunity to include courses outside of theatre to become part of their degree plan.

Theatre Productions

The Palm Beach Atlantic University Theatre presents three to five productions each academic year, including one or two musicals. Productions range from the Greeks to contemporary works. Participation in productions is open to all PBA students regardless of major.   Eight credit hours, one per semester, of participation are required of all B.F.A. Theatre majors. Six credit hours, at least one per year, of participation are required of all B.A. Theatre majors.  These credits are through registration in the Participation in Production and/or Participation in Performance classes. Cast and crew selections are based on the needs of each production. Casting is not guaranteed. Theatre majors also have opportunity to work on PBA Children’s Theatre productions.

Admission Requirements

In addition to University application procedures, prospective students seeking to major (B.F.A. and B.A.)  or minor in theatre must audition and file an application with the College of the Arts Theatre department. Approval for study in the program is based on several factors, including an audition/interview, and review of previous work. All prospective students must complete an audition and interview with the Theatre faculty prior to the semester of initial enrollment. If a student lives too far from an audition site for a live audition to be practical, a self-tape may be submitted for provisional consideration, to be followed up by a live audition and interview when the student arrives on campus. Application materials should be received and auditions completed at least six weeks before the beginning of the student’s first term as a Theatre major or minor in order to ensure a place in required courses.

Auditions for the B.F.A.,B.A., and a minor in Theatre consist of two contrasting monologues one minute in length (or a one one-minute monologue and a one-minute musical theatre song), followed by an interview with Theatre faculty. Students auditioning with a song should have sheet music in correct key as an accompanist will be provided.

Students changing majors or those transferring into Palm Beach Atlantic University should be advised that the sequence of courses for the program may require a minimum of four semesters of study to complete the B.A. and six semesters of study to complete the B.F.A.

Scholarship Information

Each year the University offers scholarships in varied amounts to a select number of highly-talented and promising students. These scholarships are available through a competitive process that includes an interview and an audition with the theatre faculty of the University and may be available for up to 9 semesters for first-time college students and 7 semesters for transfer students. Students who accept these grants-in-aid must declare a major (B.F.A. or B.A.) in the Theatre program during the period of the grant and maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all theatre courses attempted at Palm Beach Atlantic University and an overall 2.5 grade point average in all PBA courses. Students who change their major out of theatre will see a termination of the theatre scholarship. In addition, theatre scholarship recipients must earn an averaged “progressing” score on their Annual Student Evaluation in the spring of each year.  Students who accept theatre scholarships are also required to participate in at least three theatre productions per academic year through assigned cast or crew positions and will be enrolled in either THE 3201 or THE 3221. If this requirement is not met by the conclusion of the academic year, the student will see a termination of the theatre scholarship. Students who score below “progressing” in their Annual Student Evaluation or whose grade point average in theatre courses falls below 3.0 will be placed on departmental warning for the following semester, during which the student must attend and complete an additional Student Evaluation and score a “progressing.” If the student is unable to score a “progressing” or better during the departmental warning semester, the student will see a termination of the theatre scholarship. 

Review of Satisfactory Progress

Annually, all Theatre majors (B.F.A. and B.A.) must have their progress in all work in the major area of study reviewed. This review is accomplished each spring through an Annual Student Evaluation and interview with the Theatre faculty.  Students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all theatre courses attempted at Palm Beach Atlantic University in order to continue in good standing. B.F.A. Theatre majors must participate in a minimum (8 total required) of one practicum course (THE 3202/3221) each semester (fall and spring) in order to remain in good standing. B.F.A. students who do not participate in at least one practicum course in both fall and spring semesters will be dismissed from the major.  B.A. Theatre majors must participate in a minimum (six total required) of one practicum course (THE 3201/3221) each year (s) in order to remain in good standing. B.A. students who do not participate in at least one practicum course each year will be dismissed from the major. Admission to upper-division study is determined on the basis of the student’s cumulative GPA in Theatre, the recommendation of the student’s advisor, and the satisfactory completion of an interview with the Theatre faculty. Students who score below “progressing” in their Annual Student Evaluation or whose grade point average in theatre courses falls below 3.0 and/or fails to complete and attend their Annual Student Evaluation will be placed on departmental warning for the following semester, during which the student must attend and complete an additional Student Evaluation and score a “progressing.” If the student is unable to score a “progressing” or better during the departmental warning semester, the student will be dismissed from the major. The faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student from a major or minor in theatre if he or she fails to meet program standards. Students may make appeal to the Dean. Theatre faculty will make every attempt to counsel a student into a more suitable major in the event that he or she is unable to meet the standards of the program.

Culminating Project

Before graduating, all students are required to create a hard-copy and/or digital portfolio of their work as part of the successful completion of THE 4483 - Careers Workshop.  In addition to participation in Careers Workshop, prior to graduating all students must successfully complete THE 4910 - Culminating Evaluation in Theatre at the conclusion of their final semester.


Every Theatre major must meet with his/her academic advisor at least once each semester before registering in courses for the subsequent semester. Failure to do so will jeopardize the student’s standing in the program, and faculty will address this with the student during their annual review of his/her satisfactory progress.

The Department of Theatre offers the following degrees:  

B.F.A. – Theatre Arts 

B.A. – Theatre Arts 

*A minor in the degree program is also available.