Sep 16, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025



Associate Professors

  • Marcia Bedasse, Ed.D.
  • Timothy Ladd, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor

  • Jill East, Ph.D.


  • Kimberly Hammaker, MA


The mission of the Department of Education is to prepare highly competent pre-service elementary, secondary (English and mathematics), and all-level (art, music, and physical education) teachers for diverse classrooms through academic and clinical experiences. The education department of Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) is committed to the integration of faith into the curriculum. PBA provides an education that values scholarship, discipleship, servant-leadership, and stewardship. As a Christian university, PBA emphasizes the highest level of moral and ethical standards.

Teacher Education Program

The Dean of the School of Education and Behavioral Studies is responsible for maintaining a strong teacher preparation program. The dean relates the state’s teacher education guidelines to the academic program of the university and assists faculty in developing curricula. As new laws related to teacher preparation are passed by Florida state legislators, the School of Education and Behavioral Studies makes necessary program changes. Florida Department of Education (FDOE) requirements supersede any stated requirements in the PBA catalog.

The objectives of the program are:

  • To provide an environment and the tools to develop godly character and pursue academic excellence and personal integrity in all areas;
  • To provide a foundation in the liberal arts that develops the competencies of a free individual capable of rational independent judgment;
  • To provide a framework of professional attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to enable the pre-professional to develop into a highly competent teacher and;
  • To provide the teacher candidate with field experiences through Workship, subject-related classroom participation, and student teaching.

The undergraduate education program offers professional preparation leading to degree and certification in two state-approved teacher education programs: Elementary Education with ESOL/Reading Endorsement and Music Education K-12. Other education majors are available in secondary English, secondary mathematics, and all-level education in either art or physical education. Students who are interested in teaching at the secondary level may also pursue a major in a subject area for which a Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) exists in addition to a minor in secondary education.

Features of the Teacher Education Program at Palm Beach Atlantic include:

  • Small practicum class sizes 
  • Two semesters of elementary clinical internship:
    • Residency I in a Palm Beach County Public School
    • Residency II in a Christian, private, or international school
  • Successful history of job placement of graduates
  • Positive reputation in local public and private school systems

State-Approved Programs

PBA offers two teacher preparation programs approved by the Florida State Department of Education. To be eligible for professional certification, a student must pass three Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (General Knowledge, Professional Education, and Subject Area Exam) and successfully complete student teaching.

  • Elementary Education (K-6) with ESOL/Reading Endorsement
  • Music Education K-12

Certification for teaching is obtained through the Florida Department of Education after graduation. Elementary education majors meet requirements for the state-mandated ESOL endorsement and the state-mandated reading endorsement upon completion of the professional ESOL-infused program. 

Other Programs

PBA offers four additional teacher preparation programs. To be eligible for temporary certification a student must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited or approved institution and meet the guidelines required by the Florida Department of Education.

Secondary education programs (6-12)

  • English
  • Mathematics

All level programs (K-12)

  • Art Education
  • Physical Education

Each education student in secondary and all-level program has a primary academic advisor who is a specialist in the respective subject area, as well as a secondary advisor within the education department. Students meet with primary and secondary advisors prior to registering each semester.

Students may also earn a minor in secondary education to pair with any other content area major for which an FTCE subject area examination (SAE) exists.

Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Certification

PBA requires coursework that leads elementary education, secondary English education, secondary mathematics education, and physical education majors to ACSI licensure eligibility. Elementary education majors who transfer with an AA Degree, art education majors, and music education majors have the option to take additional coursework that leads to ACSI licensure eligibility.

Requirements for Teacher Education Programs

Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE)

Section 1004.04 of Florida Statutes requires that all students pass all three sections of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) in order to be endorsed as a program completer. During the FTCE registration process, students must request that score reports be sent directly to PBA.  Passing the General Knowledge (GK) exam is a qualifier for applying for candidacy with the School of Education and Behavioral Studies.  Additional criteria required at time of application for student teaching include passing the Professional Education Test (PEd) and the Subject Area Examination (SAE) specific to the major.


Students must demonstrate mastery of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPS) through required critical task evidences accumulated throughout the program, including student teaching. Accomplished practices evaluated through rubrics, exams, and observations are documented in the student’s electronic portfolio. In order to collect data on the critical tasks, PBA employs an electronic portfolio to track progress throughout the program. 

Applying for Candidacy

Students apply for admission to the teacher education program.  The Teacher Education Committee (TEC) will review qualified applicants and determine if a student demonstrates readiness for the 3000 level education courses. TEC will determine if a student receives (1) approval, (2) conditional approval, or (3) denial.

Application for Candidacy Requirements:

  1. Meet the following grade point averages at time of application:
    • Overall Coursework: 2.75 GPA
    • General Education: 2.75 GPA
    • Major Coursework: 3.00 GPA
    • Minor: 2.75 GPA
  2. Submit, at time of application, evidence of passing scores on all four sections of the General Knowledge exam.
  3. Demonstrate psychological, emotional, and social stability in addition to a professional and positive attitude. 
  4. Professional electronic portfolio is up to date.
  5. Update documentation of Florida Educator Accomplished Practices in electronic portfolio prior to the time of application.
  6. Complete application when all criteria are met.
  7. Schedule meeting with advisor to review and submit application for candidacy packet by the appropriate deadline.
    • Fall Semester:
      • August - third day of the fall semester
      • October 15
    • Spring Semester:
      • January - third day of the spring semester
      • March 15

Students who receive approval for 3000 level education courses are responsible for their own transportation during practicum field work.  Placements are made by the School District of Palm Beach County.  PBA cannot guarantee that assigned schools are in close proximity to the main PBA campus.

Education faculty, in cooperation with the Teacher Education Committee, will review the progress of all students who have been accepted into the teacher education program.  A student may be placed on probationary status or removed from the program as a result of an unsatisfactory review.  Applicants who are denied approval can either reapply the following semester or meet with an advisor to consider different academic programs.

Professional Performance Review (PPR)

A Professional Performance Review (PPR) will be conducted by the Teacher Education Committee for candidates demonstrating readiness for the 4000 level education courses.  All criteria listed for initial candidacy must be continually illustrated by students throughout the program.  Additionally, candidates will complete an Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA) and submit this to their education advisor along with evidence of either registering for the FTCE Professional Education Test (PED) or attempting it.  EDA’s will be completed by the education faculty and candidates will be interviewed by the Teacher Education Committee.  A student must remain in good standing to progress in the program.  Upon successful completion of the PPR, students become eligible to register for 4000 level education courses.


To be enrolled in courses that require student teaching, all students must pass fingerprint and background screening according to procedures identified by the School District of Palm Beach County. Any break in enrollment, with the exception of summer terms, will result in the repetition of the fingerprint screening. All students must have a social security number or other acceptable Palm Beach County School District documentation in order to be fingerprinted. Documentation of fingerprinting and a recent badge must be submitted to the Teacher Education Committee.  Fingerprinting fees are the responsibility of the student if applicable.

Application for Student Teaching Internship

Students apply for approval for student teaching via an application.  All criteria listed for initial candidacy must be continually demonstrated by students throughout the program.  Additional criteria for approval for the student teaching internship includes passing scores on the FTCE Subject Area Examination (SAE) specific to the major and passing the FTCE Professional Education Test (PED).  These exams must be passed by either October 15 or March 15 prior to the student teaching semester.  Additionally, candidates will complete an updated Educator Disposition Assessment (EDA) and submit this to their education advisor. EDA’s will be completed by the education faculty and candidates will be interviewed by the Teacher Education Committee.   

Application for Internship Requirements:

  1. Meet the following grade point averages at time of application:
    • Overall coursework: 2.75 GPA
    • General education coursework: 2.75 GPA
    • Major coursework: 3.00 GPA
    • Coursework in second major, as applicable: 3.00 GPA
    • Minor coursework: 2.75 GPA
    • Music education majors only: Pass piano proficiency and recital attendance
  2. Adhere to Palm Beach County School District requirements to obtain an identification badge.  
  3. Attach copy of graduation audit letter which must be requested from registrar at least two semesters prior to student teaching.
  4. Complete all course work, Workship assignments, and chapel credits prior to the time of application for second screening, with the exception of the courses in which the student is enrolled at the time of application. Approval is contingent upon satisfactory completion of courses in which the student is currently enrolled.
  5. Professional electronic portfolio is up to date. 
  6. Submit at time of application evidence of passing scores on all sections of the PED and SAE.
  7. Demonstrate psychological, emotional, and social stability in addition to a professional and positive attitude by completing an EDA.
  8. Write a Continuous Professional Improvement Essay outlining strengths and goals for improvement based on practicum experiences.

  9. Schedule meeting with advisor to review and submit the internship application packet by the appropriate deadline:
    • Spring student teaching: October 15
    • Fall student teaching: March 15
  10. Interview with TEC to review the internship application.

Residency I student teaching assignments will be made within the School District of Palm Beach County.Teacher interns must follow procedures for background screening and fingerprinting to obtain a PBCSD ID badge in a timely manner.Interns will not receive a school placement without a valid badge.Interns will report to assigned schools on the same day when the district begins its pre-service session.Interns are responsible for their own transportation and those who plan to live on campus during student teaching semesters(s) must make arrangements with the university’s Residence Director for early admittance on campus.

Residency II provides opportunity for elementary education candidates to complete a semester-long internship in a private, Christian and/or International classroom setting.Interns are expected to present academic content and assessments through the lens of a Christian worldview.Preferred locale is due at time of Internship application.Interns must meet the subsequent Rinker Center for Experiential Learning deadline.An additional fee will be applied to students who wish to complete Residency II at an international school.

Alternative Program for Non-Degree Seeking Students

Baccalaureate degree holders who do not plan to student teach through PBA may enroll in education courses. Non-degree seeking students are responsible for corresponding directly with the Florida Department of Education in order to identify courses that lead to certification. Students are expected to demonstrate the same professional academic skills and attitudes during field experience as those students who seek certification through PBA’s state-approved programs.
